Chapter Twelve

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After waking up Naruto and Sao I decided to hit the complimentary breakfast bar in the lobby. It had a fairly poor selection but all I wanted was the pancakes so it was good enough. I had just sat down when Sai comes stomping in, his face more stiff than usual. "How's it going?" I ask, trying to gauge how things went last night.

"May I scout ahead. We will make better time if I am allowed to ensure our route is safe."

What did that idiot do. "Stay, have something to eat," I say as I motion towards the food.

Sai shakes his head. "I don't require sustenance at the moment."

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," I sing in an effort to convince him to stay. Sai's face is unwavering and the silence stretches on. I sigh and wave him away. "Very well. If you spot anything suspicious, you are not to engage." Sai nods and quickly leaves without a word.

With Sai gone, I focus my attention back on the pancakes. I peel back the foil cover of a tiny plastic container and proceed to dump the butter out and spread it onto the pancakes and enjoy the sight of it seeping into the steaming stack of deliciousness. Just as I start pouring the syrup, Naruto and Sakura come walking in.

"Where's Sai?" Naruto asks instantly.

I point to the door as I chew on a large slice of pancake. I swallow before speaking, "He went ahead. Why? Is something wrong?"

Naruto turns bright red and stamps his foot as he points his finger at me. "I didn't do anything!" He shouts a lite too defensively.

"Mhmm." I teach out and pick up my glass of ice water and take a sip. "Then why was Sai so upset?"

He pales instantly and looks down, "He was upset?" He asks meekly.

"Well," I sit back in the chair with my arms folded behind my head, "he is hard to read, but I could tell something was bothering him." Suddenly Naruto takes off running towards the door. "Hey!" I shout after him as I stand up, knocking everything to the floor and getting some pretty dirty looks. "Where are you going?!"

"I need to catch up to him!" He shouts just before the door shuts.

Sakura starts picking up everything off the floor so I bend down to help. "I told you this would happen," she states bluntly as she stands and puts everything on the table.

"How would you like to train with Guy sensei for a month?" I say threatening through clenched teeth.

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