Chapter Fourteen

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"You still haven't answered my question," I say annoyed as I follow Sai and Naruto. Kakashi, who is next to me, elbows me in an attempt to stop me from pressing the issue. "Why were you guys breathless and blushing?"

They reply by laughing hysterically which sends a jolt of anger rushing through my body. I punch a nearby tree, shattering it into a bunch of tiny splinters of wood which fly everywhere. Sai and Naruto instantly stop laughing and pick up the pace, putting some distance between us. Probably a good choice.

"You should wait for them to say something," kakashi tells me once the two are out of earshot.

I cross my arms angrily and huff. "They were fighting just this morning. Now they're on good terms?"

"I'd say it's Naruto's charm. He has a knack for befriending people, even those he once called an enemy."

"Still," I say, letting my arms drop, "I'm sure this isn't going to end well."

We walk in silence for a while until Kakashi speaks up with an interesting offer. "Let's make a bet. If they stay together, you have to pay for our ramen for a month."

"And if they break up?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

Kakashi rubs his chin thoughtfully. "I'll let you see my face."

"DEAL!" I quickly shake Kakashi's hand to ensure he doesn't have time to back out. "Prepare to take that mask off." I smile smugly, sure of my impending victory.

"I wouldn't get cocky if I were you." Kakashi points ahead and I follow with my eyes. Naruto is tenderly touching Sai's arm as they talk. They slowly begin closing the gap until they are touching and Naruto's arm is draped over Sai's shoulders.

How am I going to afford that ramen bill?!

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