Chapter 8

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Clue 12:
This clue is fairly close. Look around and you'll find it. Hint: Hands

Katie turned right around and saw the envelope tapped to the wall close to where she was sitting. She got up, walked over to it and pulled the envelope off the wall. She then sat down to the closest seat and opened it. Jenna was on the other side of the table, recording Katie open the letter. Once she got the envelope opened, she grabbed the letter. She unfolded the piece of paper and turned it so she could read it. It read:

The place where you were dragged over to me and we were forced to hold hands. Now holding hands is like nothing. We do it basically without thinking now. Just a small little gesture made our relationship that much better. I love you. I can't wait to see you!

UGH! Katie just wanted to know what was at the end. She turned to Jenna and asked, "Do you know what's at the end of this super long scavenger hunt?" Then Jenna replied, " I don't know, do I?" Then Katie responded "You do, but I know you to well to know that you aren't going to tell me anything!" She threw her hands in the air and laughed. Jenna continued, "Well, I can tell you, you are almost at the end. What's the next clue?" Katie pulled the index card out of the envelope and silently read the clue:

Clue 13:
Think back to the last day of eighth grade year when we were watching that movie with our class and our friend group sat in the back and talked the whole time. Where was that at? Hint: Gym ONE
(P.S. go through the doors closest to you please)

On the last day of eighth grade, the eighth graders had an eventful day and one of the activities was to go into the gym and watch a movie on the big screen. Of course since it was a gym, no one could hear the movie so they all talked and Katie and Ayden's group sat in the back, by the doors and by no teachers and just talked. She can't even remember what had happened that day but it was something so ridiculous and childish. But it played a big part in their relationship. Katie got up from the seat she was sitting on and put the contents back into the envelope and walk into the gym using the doors right by where she was sitting at since Ayden wanted her to.

She walked over to where she was sitting on the last day of eighth grade and found the envelope tapped to the padding on the wall. She sat on the ground and opened the envelope. She pulled out the next clue and the letter. She read the letter to herself.

I felt so happy that day because I was surrounded by friends and I was with you. Even though the teachers kept shushing everyone, no one watched the movie and just talked to their friends. We were both side by side and holding hands without a care in the world if a teacher caught us. I couldn't believe that I had made it through eighth grade with a girlfriend and stayed with you throughout most of the year. Now I'm proud to say that we made it through high school and now we get to start adulthood together. You are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so happy you're mine. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you.

She smiled at all the sweet things Ayden had said in the letter. Katie was so excited to graduate next week because then she gets to start a whole new chapter in life and couldn't wait. They got their robes last week and the moment Katie got home from school that day, she tried it on and it fit perfectly. Out of excitement, she read the next clue:

Clue 14:
This is an obvious clue. What is the last important event that happened in our relationship? It's in this building somewhere....

Ayden was right this was an obvious clue. The last thing that there is that he hasn't sent her to is where they had their first kiss. Katie threw everything in the envelope and said to Jenna, "Come on, I know where I'm going!" Before Katie made it out the door, Jenna stopped her and held up a finger while looking down at her phone, "hold on for just a second," she went back to texting on her phone. Katie had a look of confusion on her face "Is everything ok?"  Jenna sat down on the edge of the bleachers, "Yeah, everything is fine. I just need to sit down for a second. Are you having fun?" Katie walked over to her aunt. "Yeah, this is a lot of fun. I never knew he would do all this for what I'm guessing, is my graduation gift." Jenna smiled and stood back up and said "Ok, you may go now, but you have to stay with me." Katie looked confused again but replied with an "ok" and shrugged it off.

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