Chapter 7

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Clue 9
This clue is short but you'll know it. Where did Mrs. Coleman embarrass you in front of me?

Katie knew where to go. She ask Mrs. Coleman if the computer lab door was unlocked. She replied yes and Katie got up, pushed her chair, walked across the room, told Mrs Coleman bye, and went across the hallway to the computer lab. At the very beginning of Katie and Ayden's relationship, Katie's English class was in the computer lab doing a paper and Ayden had to finish up a paper for his English class. Ayden had asked for help from Mrs Coleman and she obnoxiously said "OF COURSE AYDEN" so Katie could hear her say it. Katie had headphones on with music playing but they were a crappy pair from the school since she had left her headphones at home. Since she had a bad pair of headphones on, she could basically hear everything that was being said. Katie smiled at the thought and giggled. She couldn't remember what Mrs Coleman said but it was embarrassing enough for Katie to turn into a tomato. She got to the door of the computer and opened it. The class was split into two sides and a large isle in the middle with five rows of computers and four computers on each of the tables. All facing the front of the class. Katie sat at the second computer from the outside of the row in the very back on the left side of the class and the day that she was embarrassed, Ayden was sitting on the left side in the front row and the first computer on the outside. As she walked through the class, she rolled eyes for remembering where they sat that day. It had been four years. She had no clue how she remembered it. She got to the envelope and pulled it off of the whiteboard that it was tapped to. She opened the envelope as she sat down at the teachers desk and Jenna came through the same door she had came through a few minutes earlier. Katie looked up at to see who came in. When she looked at Jenna, she was recording Katie again on her phone. Katie was confused why jenna was recording, literally. Every. Clue. She knew it was a scavenger hunt but do you really need to record every clue? Katie shook off the thought and read the letter:

Hi :)
Don't ever think you have to go through that embarrassment again like you did that day. I didn't think it was right for her to do that but I didn't realize it then. I was too shy back then anyway. I love you too much to see you go through that again. Anyways I love you and I can't wait to see you in a little bit. Open your next clue now.

Katie folded the piece of paper back up and put it back in the envelope and pulled the purple index card out:

Clue 10:
This next clue is where you couldn't even turn towards me and say hi.

She got up from the chair and told Jenna "We're going down to the cafeteria, where my old table is." Two days after Ayden messaged Katie, telling her that he liked her, two of Katie's friends dragged Ayden over to Katie's table and told Katie to say hi. Katie turned as red as a tomato and couldn't even look at Ayden. The bell rang after what felt like a few hours but was just a few minutes. Katie was so relieved when the bell rang because she didn't have to face the guy that liked her. It was the first guy to ever really actually liked Katie.

At the same time that Katie and Ayden's story first started, the guys in their grade started playing a game where two guys would rock, paper, scissors and the winner choose a person and the loser had to "ask out" the person that the winner picked.  One of the guys, Levi, picked Katie and his friend, Nolan, that basically everyone hated, asked her out in like the middle of class after lunch one day. This was right after Ayden had told her he like her. Nolan basically yelled across the room and "asked her out". Katie smiled because she thought it was funny and yelled back "no," by that time the whole class was looking at them. She knew what was going on and she knew exactly who told the guy to ask her out. Levi always picked on Katie and tried getting her to go to homecoming with him freshmen year, even though he knew Katie and Ayden were together. When Ayden first messaged Katie, she thought it was another guy from her school trying to "ask her out". In reality Ayden really did like Katie and it wasn't a joke and she was so happy that they worked out and they stayed together throughout high school.

She got to her table and subconsciously went to her old seat she sat at everyday in eighth grade. Ayden obviously remembered where she sat also because there was an envelope tapped on the table at her seat. She untapped the envelope and looked at Jenna who was recording again and smiled. Jenna smiled back and told Katie "your almost to the end. Open the envelope now," in a soft voice. Katie ripped the seal and pulled out another letter and another index card. This index card was another neon blue one. She opened the letter and read to herself:

Are you surprised that I knew where you sat like 5 years ago?
Yeah don't be too surprised. I had to think hard about it because I had forgot. Either way, I still found it. So your basically sitting where our story really started. When Lily and Mya dragged me over to you, our story started even if you couldn't look to talk to me. I think you looked cute. Anyway I love you. Read your next clue.

His letter to her made her smile. "I can't believe he put so much detail into this scavenger hunt. He's so sweet" she picked up the index card and read it:

Clue 11:
After you ate lunch you would run over here to me. Hint: it's in the same room.

Katie didn't need the extra hint for that one. After lunch everyday, Katie would gather her stuff together and run over to Ayden's table. They'd hold hands and talk like normal. It was relaxing to be around Ayden at lunch because school could get hectic at the time. Katie shook her head because now she was stressed about graduating and going to college and back then, in eighth grade, all you had to worry about was to not be stupid and get good grades. Now she has a job, a car, a boyfriend, and college right around the corner with all the other things that come with being an adult. Katie sat down and looked around while she pulled the envelope of the table and opened it. It made her smile to be back where her life changed and got better. She opened the envelope and pulled out the letter and index card. She set down the envelope and noticed there was something else in it. She picked it up and looked inside. There was one single rose petal in it. Katie started getting confused and asked her aunt for the other envelopes from the other places in the school and sure enough there was a single rose petal in each of the envelopes. Katie felt so bad but it was a mistake so she didn't let it get her down. She sat back down and read the letter from the most recently opened envelope:

Well hey:)
You found your clue. You are seriously so close to the end. I'm so excited to see you beautiful. You'll love what I've done. All the hunting for clues will pay off once you seen what I have done. I promise you'll love it. Pinky promise. Anyway, I will never forget the countless days you came over after we ate and me and you would just sit here and talk and laugh. Good times. Good times. Lol jk. But either way this is an important part in our relationship. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you. See you soon.

She couldn't believe it. The letter said that she was so close to the end, but where? She just wanted to see Ayden and see what and where the heck he's been hiding all day. At least just a hint. Even though he wouldn't give her a hint. Every time Ayden would do something big for a holiday, he would tell Katie that it was a big surprise but wouldn't tell her anymore than that. No matter how much she bugged him. He wouldn't ever budge. Katie got used to it but never has stopped bugging. She read the next clue.

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