The Escape

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* Unknown P.O.V *

I watched as she walked through the door. She looked so beautiful standing there. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wearing all black. She finally walked up to me and said,

"Why have you been doing this?"

"It's nothing personal against you it's just business." I said, while touching her face.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She said, while smacking my hand away. I just laughed at her boldness.

"Now is that anyway to treat sombody. You know I'm the only person who is standing between life and death of Drew." I said while smirking.

"Take me to him!" She demanded.

"As you wish my queen." I took her upstairs. When we got up to the room he was in, the look on her face was priceless.

* Destiny's P.O.V *

When we got up to the room I couldn't believe what I saw. Bristol was riding Drew. I didn't know how to feel, I was hurt and I felt betrayed mainly because, he said he loved me. I went up to them and I smacked the shit out of her. She just got off him and came towards me. She touched her nose and saw that it was bleeding and licked it off her finger.

"Do it again." She said while backing me up into a wall.

"Your fucking sick!" I yelled.

"Naw baby, I just want you." She was about to try and kiss me until he stopped her.

"That's enough, we will have our fun later." He said, with a smirk then kissed her.

"Yes daddy." While they were having their little session, I walked over to Drew and tried to untie him. I guess they heard me because, they stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Aww baby girl is trying to be a hero." She said while smiling. That's when he came up to me and punched me in my face. Drew tried to jump out of the chair but, couldn't because he was still tied up. I held my face then lifted it seeing blood on my fingers.

"Baby see what you made me do to you. You know I hate hurting you." He said while kissing my lips. The taste of him made me want to throw up.

"Tie her up and when your done come upstairs." He told Bristol.

"Yes daddy." She said back to him. He then smacked her ass and went upstairs. She came up to me and tied me up in a chair.

"I promise to take good care of you baby. Soon it will just be me and you." She said while kissing my neck. She then got up and left and said,

"Bye baby." Once I heard the door close signaling she had left, I tipped the chair over causing it to fall over.

"Quick grab the knife out of my hair." I said trying to get closer to him. Once he got the knife he untied us and we started running up the stairs. I handed him the gun I hid behind my back.

"Thanks babe." He said while trying to kiss me but, I turned my cheek. Does he really think he is gonna kiss me after he just fucked this crazy bitch? He rolled his eyes and put his gun up to Bristol's head.

"I swear on life if you don't open up this fucking door, I'm gonna blow your brain out."

"Do it!" She said while laughing. This bitch is crazy but, I think I can make her talk.

"You still want to be with me right?"

"Yes, I would do anything for you."

"Give me the key and we can runaway together. Just you and me."

"Promise?" She asked while staring me in the eyes.

"Promise." She smiled and walked upstairs. While she was unlocking the door I grabbed my knife and stabbed in her side. She fell to floor and started coughing up blood.

"I thought you said we were gonna be together."

"I lied bitch." That's when I kicked her down the stairs.

* Drew's P.O.V *

Damn my girl on some gangsta type shit. I have to make sure to marry her ass. I like the new her, she finally got over that shy shit. Low key this shit is turning me on right now.

We snuck up to the top of the stairs, and I took out the two body guards that were by the door. We were half way out the building until I heard Destiny yelp in pain.

"Ugh. It hurts." She said holding her knee. I saw blood starting to puddle around her.

"It's ok baby, I got you." I picked her up and tried to open the door.

"You aren't going anywhere." He said still holding the gun in his hand.

"Naw man, me and my wife are gonna leave."

"See I can't let you do that." He chuckled darkly.

"Why the fuck not?" I asked with my teeth gritted.

"Only one of us is going to make it out alive."

"And you know who that person is?" I asked while grabbing the gun from out of my waistband.

"Who?" He asked with an evil smirk.

"Me." That's when I shot him three times in the chest. Once I made sure he was dead I ran back to her car. And called the one person who I knew could help me.

I know I never revealed who the mystery person is but, it will all make since later. KEEP READING!

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