Officially Over

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* Drew's P.O.V *

My life has been crumbling down ever since I found out Stacy was pregnant with our second child. I can't take this shit no more, I can't even risk to loose another baby, especially Destiny she is my world. I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for them to tell me something.

"Drew!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I saw that it was Darcy running into the building with my mother trailing behind her.

"Drew what hell happen to her?" My mom asked. I looked over at Darcy to see her sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Darcy."

"What the fuck did you do?"

"I pushed her and made her hit the wall, when she was about to leave she just fainted on the floor but there was a blood leaking from her legs." She slapped me, making me get out my seat. A couple nurses came so she can stop hitting me.

"You fucking bastard! How could you do this to her? I swear I'm gonna beat your ass next time I see you. You're a bitch ass nigga! Try me, I will fucking cut you bitch."

"Darcy I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her man, you know I love her."

"That's all your're gonna be is a sorry ass nigga, don't come around my niece or nephew bitch." She said before spitting on me and getting dragged away from the hospital. I turned to my mama who looked at my mama who had so much disgust in her eyes.

"Mama I'm sorry."

"Have you lost your damn mind?"

"No ma'am."

"Well you must have since you think you it's ok to hit women! I raised you better then this, your father never put his hands on me, what makes you think you can?"

"I don't know mama I was just mad, Stacy killed my son man."

"I don't care if you were mad and as for Stacy she is a hoe! I told your ass to grow up and stop chasing these fast-tail girls."

"I know mama I'm gonna do better I promise."

"Don't just say that shit do it! I wouldn't even be mad if she left your ass, I'm very disappointed in you and you need to do better and make it up to her. She was the only person who stuck with you through all your bull shit. You know we would talk about you all the time on the phone? No matter how bad you treated her she said she would always go back to you and she said that she would stick by your side. You need to get your shit together quick." After her lecture an older black woman came out a room.

"Family of Destiny Davis."

"Yes that's us." Me and my mom said at the same time.

"What is your relationship with her?"

"I'm her fiance," I lied "and this is my mother."

"Is she going to be ok ?" My mother asked.She looked down at the clipboard she was holding,

"Well, it seems like she is going to be fine. She just needs to stay here for a couple of days to make sure her kidneys are doing fine, she is just a little dehydrated that's what was causing all the cramps."

"What about our baby."

"The baby is doing fine for now, but anymore stress she could have lost it. You should consider yourself extremely lucky that she didn't miscarry."

"Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome, she is allowed to have one visitor if you would like to see her."

I followed behind her walking into a room where I saw Destiny holding her stomach.

"You have a visitor Ms.Davis." I saw her turn her head towards the door and her smile instantly went away when she saw me.

"I'll give you two some privacy." The nurse said before she left.

"What are you doing here?" She was holding on to her stomach.

"I wanted to make sure your ok and tell you that I'm sorry."

"Stop saying that," She cried out."That's all you ever say to me is 'I'm sorry' but you never prove it. You say you love me but you almost killed our baby! Why would you keep doing this. You are hurting me and I'm done Drew!"

"Stop saying that I love you, you know I do. I would die for you and you know that shit. I would give you anything you wanted no questions asked. Why are you acting like you don't know this? What do you want from me?"

"Love me! I don't care how much money you have or the designer shit, I just want you to love me!"

"I do." I tried walking closer to her but the heart monitor started going off.

"See what you do to me? You don't love me you hurt me! I can't be around you anymore. I'm done Drew there is no turning back, I have to do what's best for us!" She rubbed her hand over her stomach.

"Is this what you want? Honestly, I'm done fighting with you over everything because this isn't us. I miss my best friend and if giving you space will make you come back to me then ok." I got closer to her bed and put the ring that I was going to give her on her finger.

"Just keep your promise and stand by me. I love you girl and my seed. I'm going to prove to you that I'm going to be here for you." I kissed her lips and walked to the door.

"I love you." Those were the last words I said before I left.

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