Ch. 1

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*Grace's POV*

"Guy's! Oh my god! Guys!" I yelled. "What!" Roxy and Kyara rushed over. "Venturiantale is coming to the adoption center to adopt 3 girls who are 15!" I said. "Oh My God!" they said. "Holy Crap we might be adopted by the Frye's!" we all hugged each other. "Wait what if we get adopted! That means we have to keep are secret of being.....You know!" Kyara said. "So who care's! We might get adopted after 12 years!" I said. "True! Okay when are they coming?" Kyara asked. "All 15 year old girls please get ready for adoption!" The speaker said. "I'm guessing now!" we all ran to are closets and grabbed something new to wear.


Grace's Outfit: Black skinny Jean's, Doctor Who Shirt, Maddie Friend hoodie, R5 necklace, Blue beanie, and Tardis Converse high tops.

Roxy's Outfit: Long light blue skirt, Green tank top, Red beanie, black converse Hightops, and a necklace that has the words Tardis.

Kyara's Outfit: White skinny Jean's, Black tee-shirt that has the Word's Rubik's written cross the top, Venturiantale beanie, R5 necklace, and purple converse hightops.


"Kyara you look like Isaac exploded on you!" Me and Roxy laughed. "Well it's either this or a Tardis dress!" she laughed. "Okay Isaac it is!" I said. "All 15 year old girls please come down, Jessica, Grace, Kyara, Roxy, DJ, and Jade!" the speakers said. "Gosh I should of put on the Tardis dress!" Kyara said and we started laughing. "Wait!" She grabbed her Venturiantale hoodie and put it on over her shirt. "Now! Lets go!" we all said and ran downstairs.

We where the first one's down then Jessica came down with Jade, and DJ came down after a minute or two. The Frye's took one look at me, Kyara, and Roxy and smiled. Then DJ went in to get interwied by Jordan. "Guy's Isaac is starring at me!" Kyara whispered to us. "Well duh part of your rubiks shirt is showing!" I whispered back. "Crap!" she said under her breath. Then we looked to Isaac and he mouthed the words she is cute to us. We pointed to Kyara and mouthed the word her? he nodded yes. I think Kyara saw us because her face was really red.

We nudged Kyara a little and her face got more....not red. Then DJ came back out and told me to go in. Cierra was going to interview me. I was excited.

~After the Interview because I can~

I came back and told Roxy to go in to get interviewed by Bethany. I looked around to find Kyara but she wasn't here. Isaac wasn't either. I walked up to Jordan. "Have you seen my sister? She was wearing white jeans..." my voice trailed off. ”Ya she went somewhere upstairs with Isaac!" he said. "Thanks!" I walked upstairs to see that are room door was open a little. I peaked in the room carefully trying to make myself unnoticeable. I saw Kyara and Isaac making out and I almost bursted out laughing. I quickly went to the downstairs bathroom and closed the door and started laughing.

"Grace you okay?" Cierra asked. "Ya I'm fine!" I laughed. "What's so funny?" she asked. I opened the door and she walked in. I whispered in her ear telling her what I saw. "Eww!" she said. "Ya but it's funny because she likes Isaac more than me and Roxy so she probably is freaking out!" I laughed. "Okay that is funny!" she laughed too. Then we walked out of the bathroom and bumped into Isaac and Kyara. "Hey guys!" I laughed. "Whats so funny?" Kyara asked. "Nothing!" Cierra laughed. "Cierra!" Isaac said. "Yes?" Cierra laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Isaac asked. "Bethany yelled Ginger's rule!" Cierra laughed. Then Roxy and Bethany came out.

"Kyara your turn!" Roxy said. "Okay!" Kyara said as Isaac and Kyara walked in the interviewing room. "Ohhh!" me and Cierra laughed. "Why are you guy's laughing?" Roxy asked. "I whispered in her ear. She started laughing too.

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