Light Vs Dark

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  Light, that's all that I can remember, a blinding fiery light. It's consuming me, feeding at my every being, but I'm not scared, I'm... I'm relieved, I don't know why, but I am. It's like everything, doubt, worry, and sadness, is gone. A warmth replaces all of those feelings, It filters through my body spreading and stretching from the top of my skull, to the tip of my fingers and all the way to the balls of my feet. I feel whole and warm and safe, as if I am wrapped up in a blanket on a cold winter night. As I am about to let the light consume my whole being and take me into the unknown, I feel a tugging on the small of my back, like something is trying to drag me out of this light. I fight it and I can feel the light beginning to panic, both forces are pulling at me, one force good and light, the other by the feel of it dark and evil. I hold tight to the light, I will not let the dark take me. After what feels like a forever of the light and dark fighting over me, everything stops, both sides let go and then I'm falling. The wind is rushing past my body at a speed that is possibly faster than light, and then suddenly everything slows down, I look around as I fall. All around me is mass chaos, on all sides of me what looks like angels are fighting what seems to be demons. The angels' with their holy fire smite the demons but not before the demons manage to grab the angels' sword and plunge it into the holy other. Every side seems to be fighting for something, as I fall I hear snippets of speech either in Enochian or Latin each saying "give up, the girl is ours. She will save us." Suddenly everything speeds up again,I fall into what seems to be a slide, I slide down and down and down for what seems to be a millennium. The slide then takes a sharp drop down and as I am about to drop into oblivion, everything goes dark.  

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