« Chapter Two

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Ever since that day everything became a blur , really, they took us back to Earth and nothing was the same, every single one of us went to a different place. We were alone and since we are our own specie almost every one stared at us different. I mean yes we where on Earth to protect them, but people didn't seem to realize that. We were forced to go to school with all of the teenagers in town, I knew one day we would be sent away from here again. I knew it was probably soon. It was never in my plans to fall in love with someone from this planet.

It was hard making friends really, everyone looked at me different. I didn't blame them. I was alone in that school for so long I thought there wasn't going to be any problem with being sent to Earth and leaving back to Ferilox soon. There was no problem, not until August the first at least. I would have never admit I was afraid of the real ones, I would walk down the halls of school with my head low, not daring to look at anyone. All I heard were whispers everywhere I went to, they seemed to follow me. Over hearing was not a power, so I never knew what they were talking about. Although I wanted to.

Heading to the class I hated the most, I got punched by a tall guy, making me fall down to the side. There was no respect in this school, or basically anywhere. The punch didn't hurt, what hurt the most where the words he said. Looking straight to my eyes the blonde guy started to speak.

"It's all your fault, my father is dead because of you.. You couldn't save him.. Now he is dead!" He punched me once more, I couldn't blame him. I wanted to save every one in this town, but sometimes there are more bad guys than good ones. I knew something bad was going to happen. He was still pronouncing harmful words, the corners of my eyes where starting to become dark and all I could see next was a curly headed boy pushing him away from me. I was out then.

Waking up in a white room was weird, I had never been in one of this rooms before. A single bed in the middle , wires attached to me, beeping noises, two couches in front , and a television with the current news in the top right corner of the room. There was no one there with me. I tried to get up but noticed I couldn't so I waited until I eventually got tired and fell into a peaceful sleep. I don't know how much time passed until I finally woke up again, a beautiful lady walked in, she was all in white which I figured was because she worked here, and her messy gold hair was tied up in a bun. She smiled sweetly in my direction and told me I had a minor concussion, which I was grateful something worse could've possibly happen. I was sent "home" a couple of minutes after.

School was hell the next couple of days, I was known as the girl that got beaten up, but somehow everyone was talking about a guy named Harry and how he saved me, they said things like "how the most popular kid defended a boring useless ugly specie". They didn't even called me a girl, I was just a weird alien or something to them. I would have defended myself really but I couldn't I was too afraid.

I didn't feel like crying, their opinions didn't really matter, but I wasn't in the mood to hear them so I started heading to the lunch room. That was until I bumped into a strange, may I add beautiful, tall guy with curly brown hair. He was familiar in some way, but I didn't quite knew why.

"So, no thank you's?" He smirked.

"Do we even know each other?" I was having a hard time trying to remember him, I didn't exactly know where we had met.

"If it wasn't for me you'd probably be dead by now" I wasn't amazed by his beauty really, there could possibly be thousands of prettier boys. What captivated me the most were his eyes.

"I- I, who are you?"

"I'm James, James Corden" He just smiled, before I could thank him, he walked away. This guys was quite mysterious, and I wanted to know more about him, even though I knew I wouldn't.

I didn't see this boy again in my 7 hours of school, time went by slowly, so I was thankful when the last bell rang. I didn't have a car, so I went walking to my house . Yes, I did have a house, a family offered themselves so that I could live there, and what was better than having a family and a house? Nothing was.

**Authors note**

Okay to clear things up, she said people didn't seem to realize she was there to save them bc they treated her like trash and like they are racist with her and things, they actually do know she is there to save them, they are just too mean to her.

I'm sorry if by far this is bad, it gets better i promise!

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