Moving to Ponyville

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(Rainbow Dash's P.O.V)

I walked onto the train. It felt like it wasn't my thing to do, but I had lots of luggage, and this was the only way. I went to a private car, taking out a book about the Wonderbolts flight team.

Soon, we were in Ponyville, and I flew off the train with my luggage. I walked around town, trying to find the cloud house I bought last time I was here. I set down my luggage and flew up, trying to spot my house from above.

Not seeing my new house, I slammed down hard next to my luggage, landing on an orange mare. She saw me and covered her face (which was turning the slightest shade of pink) with her country hat.

"Pardon me, sir." she says in a southern accent. She was cute. Very cute. My face turned red as she walked away. I flew up, following her. Yes, I know, you think I'm a stalker. But I just want to know where she lives. That's all.

She turns into a barnhouse, and it's surrounded by an apple orchard. There was a sign. It said Sweet Apple Acres. This must be where she lives. I should ask her if she wanted to come to my house sometime. 'no, stupid. She's not a pegasus.' My conscience argued.

Right. Okay, maybe I could ask her to go to her house sometimes? ' Uh, no.' My conscience argued. 'There's no way she'll think you're crazy.' It said sarcastically. Fine. I'll just, maybe wait for her to ask me.

I turn. My house is right in front if me. Good. I do NOT want to fly anymore. I am so tired. I've been flying on the spot thinking about her for, what, ten minutes?

I'm a little more comfortable with moving to Ponyville, now that I know I'll have a friend.

And it's that orange mare.

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