The Brake Up

911 15 0



I turned around and saw Adlien. She was with a guy.

She sat in the same row as me and luis did but she sat like a couple of seats away.

I tried to ignore her and keeped watching the movie. But I noticed that Luis will keep one turning around. I asked him are you ok?

Luis said si porqúe? We keeped on watching the movie.

I looked over and saw Maria with Kevin. After the movie was over we were supposed to go to dinner.

Luis was like im tired I just wanna go home. I was like ok then lets go home. Maria and Kevin went to dinner.

In the way to my house Luis was quite. I was a little made because we didn't go to dinner but I understand he's tired.

When we were in the way to my house Luis kepped getting text messages. But he would only look at them.

Luis went to the gas station to but gas. He left his iPhone in the cup holder's in the car.

When he was in side the gas station I decided to see who's messaging him. I was thinking is it wrong?

should I do this? I was looking through his text. The person who was texting him was Adline.....

I was shocked. The messages said "Yo toda via de querio".

"Te extrano". When I was looking at the text messages Luis comes in side the car.

He saw me looking at them? I looked at him like really?

Luis said Me perdoñas? I said no how could you Luis I thought you were different, I guess not.

Luis was speechless. I got off of his car and decided to walk home.

When I was walking home I was crying. I was getting lots of calls and messages.

I looked to see who were they from. Some text were from Maria and the rest was from Luis.

Ok if I go home Luis will find me. I needed to express my feelings to someone.

So I called Maria to see if I could come over and tell her what happened. I got to her house and Kevin was there.

I was still crying when I got to her house. I asked them I thought you guys went to dinner?

Maria said we were but we ended not to.

I was like oh thats cool

Kevin me prejunto "estas bien"? I said no. Kevin asked por que?

I told him Luis was cheating on me. Kevin was in shocked.

Estas segura lo que estas deciendo?

I said si yo mire los messages con Adline.

Kevin was like yo nunca me lo esperava de el.

I told him yo tampoco.

3 weeks passed and got a text from.........

Luis CoronelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora