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Jeremy seemed so shocked, but mainly confused. He quickly looked at both of his arms for any markings or bruises. Yet nothing, not a single thing. A gunshot was heard and Michael yelped. ' Fuck! They found us!' He began to shout in a different tongue as the creatures scrambled around.

Jeremy tried to get u and fell, yet Michael caught him ' I'm gonna say this, Don't freak out, Just hold on.' A large ripping sound came that moment as a large tail like Appendage grabbed Jeremy, It was like a giant claw made of Ivry. It clamped shut, Jeremy was stuck inside it like a giant pod was around him. Keeping him safe yet causing him to be more terrified as the pod shook as Michael ran. He heard loud growls and more gunshots, he heard one hit the tail causing Michael to stop running and let out a large horrific roar. The roar shook the earth as Jeremy could barely see out.

He saw a large creature, a sharp mouthful of teeth dripping with blood, His multiple eyes seemed to be focused on something, till one saw Jeremy. It got smaller and the pod closed up again quickly. A thick scent began to fill the pod, Jeremy felt light headed before he passed out in the tiny space.

Jeremy came back still in the pod, yet it was open so that the gas would be replaced with Oxygen, The large creature was washing itself under a waterfall, keeping Jeremy far away from the loud splashing water. Jeremy tried to move his feet and this caught the creature's attention. It stared at him, it's multiple beady eyes trailing him up and down before stepping over to the tiny pod.

The pod opened like a claw and held Jeremy by the back of the shirt. The creature seemed to purr then licked Jeremy, the saliva coated Jeremy and he swore it smelled like spearmint. Jeremy blinked as the creature made a squeaking noise then put him in the shallow river to wash him off. Then set him on the shore, Jeremy coughed before asking ' Michael?...' The creature paused before looking down shamefully and nodding. It was Michael, Jeremy shakily stood up and went over to Michael, he looked at Michael and then gently touched his hand, Michael still had his hands at least. He blinked and stepped towards Jeremy, the long needle sharp legs digging into the ground. Michael began to shift and covered Jeremy's eyes. After a second of snapping sounds and grotesque skin tearing Michael removed his hand. Normal Michael, human looking stood there. His soft blonde tuft of hair bouncing a bit before Michael said quietly ' Do you think differently of me?'.

Jeremy had to think, ' U-Uh... Not alot, just, Did you really bite me?...' He asked confused, Michael nods ' Human flesh is what fuels me, and unlike you humans who can last days without food, I can barely last a few hours.' Michael grunted and took a moment to look at Jeremy ' Are you scared?...' He asked lightly, Jeremy blinked taken off guard by the question. Jeremy slowly nodded and Michael growled a bit ' Will you still be my friend?' he asked after a long moment of silence. Jeremy stepped up to him and gently enveloped him in a hug ' Of course Michael.' Jeremy softly muttered, Michael hugged back quickly and then kissed his cheek. Jeremy froze for a second and then leaned into Michael. He didn't understand why, but the kiss felt nice. It was like a bittersweet feeling in his stomach that seemed to bubble up his throat. Jeremy slowly shut his eyes while Michael breathed on his neck lightly. Jeremy squeaked and held onto him when Michael growled, Jeremy covered his head and started to shake, Michael was growling at a tiny deer. Jeremy looked at the deer and tried to pull out of Michael's arms. Failing of course. ' M-Michael, it's just a tiny deer, it's won't hurt us, trust me.' He nods and it took a moment before Michael slowly calmed himself. He looked at Jeremy and then sighed ' Okay... Where is your home Jeremy?' He asked softly.

Jeremy blinked before telling Michael the address, quickly Michael began to run, holding Jeremy tightly, he didn't want to let go. Yet Jeremy was just terrified. 

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