Judgement day

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For every day that does pass

a mark appears on my wrist.

Each mark is a day that I have survived,

not an apocalypse,

just life.

I may be kind, caring, and sweet even,

but I know beneath all that

is a darkness trying to take over.

It may well be my destruction,

I guess I will find out in time.

I do not walk this lonely road

with no one by my side.

There are those who chose to follow

the wayward traveller I became.

Each step we take burns holes in our souls.

For every day that does pass

a mark appears on my wrist.

Each mark is a day that I have survived,

not an apocalypse,

just life.

I ask them each day,

‘What would you say,

If I were to tell you

that I had had enough,

and it was time to give it all up?’

And each day they give the reply,

‘We say that there is not enough to be had,

and is your life really all that hard?

You walk each day, with us by your side,

free to think and do as you please.’

For every day that does pass

a mark appears on my wrist.

Each mark is a day that I have survived,

not an apocalypse,

just life.

I literally just wrote this. It is one of the only poems I have written in recent times, all of the ones I have up are from when I was much younger. I honestly think this is one of my best, so I hope you enjoy it.

This is dedicated to TRICEBEA because she is a great friend, one of the people walking beside me.

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