Hello Shorty

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You’re seated by the window and looking out,

You smile at the birds,

They fly about.

You look so tired, life at its peak.

“Hello Shorty.”

You painfully speak.

I hug you close; I rub your back,

I want to give you,

The health you lacked.

I smile shyly, my voice sounds meek,

“Hello Shorty.”

That’s all I speak.

We want to walk, to near and far.

We want the moon,

We want the stars.

You walk the track, you make the creek,

“Isn’t it beautiful.”

I heard you speak.

I skip a stone, I smell the breeze,

You look for koalas,

You touch the trees.

Your eyes are smiling, your face is weak,

“I’ve lived my life.”

No more you speak,

The day is bright, the sun shines clear,

You’ve gone away,

You’ve gone from here.

A tear drops on my icy cheek,

“Rest in peace.”

The preacher speaks.

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