Chapter 1: A Better Start

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Chapter 1: A better start


three weeks has past since that terrible day in the park. I was bed ridden and could barely move. Every part on my body was numb for the first week. I had a black eye, scarred face, bruises on my legs and arms. Tomore and the others, ones I had once called my friends, did this to me. But I wasn't upset nor was I seeking for revenge. I had already healed from it all.

Not only that, I felt satisfied in away. It was complicated to explain. It was like I had a great weight lifted off my shoulders and I also felt like I had reached something like Enlightenment.

You know the old saying: When you do something bad to someone, the universe will get you back by putting you in that situation in which you put that other person in. I've beat up a lot of people in my life and I have got to say that getting my ass beat was actually not as bad as I always thought it was.

What was that word again? Oh right, it was karma. Maybe this was some type of karma. in my opinion, my punishment wasn't as extreme as everyone make it out to come. But it did make me think more. Do this count as karma when I brought this upon myself? It wasn't like someone put a gun to my head and made me do what I did 3 weeks ago.

What I meant by Enlightenment was all that time I was with Tomore and the others I never once asked myself: What the hell am I doing? Why was I doing this? Why was I so angry? I had to rethink life and figure things out. These past few weeks being in bed, in pain, I thought and I thought hard. I have to say I still don't know the answer to most of it. I guess it's not that much of an Enlightenment but I know I'm getting there.

Today was the start of a new day. It was spring and spring meant new beginnings. The skies were clear, the weather was warmer, the leaves were green, and there were cherry blossoms trees that remind me of nostalgic days.

Also, now that it was spring, that also meant that students were moving up to the next grade. Sadly, school had started 2 weeks ago, when I was still bed ridden. I missed the opening ceremony for 1st year students. This year I was supposed to be starting my first year at East Shinjuku high school. Was I excited? Not exactly. I would be seeing the same faces, being as though it was a local school. Also, with that being said, everyone that knew me knows about my repatriation. I guess that would be the hardest to deal with. I know people is going to remind me of my middle school days. Even people who I was close with before will continually keep an eye on me like I'm some kind of dog because I can't be trusted. When I turned down this path in middle school it seemed as though everyone who I once called dare to me turned their backs on me.

Or at lease that's what I thought.

- 2 Months earlier-

Mikoto sat on the bench in the park with the rest of her friends...or should one say gang. They all had cigarettes in their hands, taking puffs and drinking beer. They all was under age and looked a thought they were in middle school.

The sun was just about to set and Mikoto looked up into the sky to look at the sunseting, until she was distracted. She felt a tap on her shoulder and when she looked up, which was no one but Hitomi trying roughly to get her attention.

"Ishida, wake the hell up!" Hitomi said, smiling at her. "What? Your sleepy or something?"

Mikoto sighed, "No, I'm not sleepy. I was just looking at the sunset."

"Oh how majestic of you, you're so lame." Dara said, laughing. Everyone started to laugh and Mikoto rolled her eyes and went back to watching the sky. "Here, have a beer" Dara held out an ice cold one to Mikoto.

Mikoto lifted her head and looked at Dara with an irritated expression "I don't drink beer, how many times to I have to tell you that!" Mikoto said.

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