☞ Promoted ☜

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"Put the glitter down!
Put it down!",I hear as I walk into Ruby's house,
"You ready?",I ask from the door as he continues to chase the children,
"Wait",He says grabbing the glitter from one of them,
"Say your final goodbyes?",I joke as he walks through the door,
"Your supposed to be helping",He rolls his eyes,
"I am. I'm prepping you for your grave how are you in tight spaces?",I mock,
He glares and continues up the road behind Monse and his 'cousin' that he has a hard on for.
"Lets go",I say as we walk up Cesar's driveway,
Ruby turns around making me grab his shoulders and push him the other way,

"You've got this",I egg him on,
"I've got this",He reassures himself making me laugh,
"Ay, Santa Maria",He blesses himself,
I push him through the gate,
He starts hyperventilating.
"Don't do that it's annoying",I say walking beside him,
"Your not on a death march",He shakes his head.
"Acid?",His voice cracks,
"You'll Be Fine",I roll my eyes but deep down I'm kind of dying.
"I can't.I cant. No, I can't",He turns around trying to push past me,
"Sup fool",I hear from behind me,
He pulls up three buckets and sits on one.
I give him a nod and sit down along with Ruby,
I see the beads of sweat coming from Ruby making me sigh.
Oscar leans in.
"Whats with the glitter?",He asks,
I let out a laugh at the thought.
"Last night at the club. You know how hynas Be",He stutters out.

"I feel you, homie",Oscar laughs,
"She Be rubbing all up on me,I can't get the shit out for days",Oscar laughs,
"Women",Ruby shrugs,
"I'm right here",I point out making Oscar laugh,
"Smoke?",Oscar asks Ruby,
"Trying to quit",Ruby says more calmly than before,
I take the smoke from Oscar and light it myself,
"What you wanna chop it up about?",Oscar asks after a second of silence,
"I know your a busy man so I'll cut right to it",He blurts getting nervous again,
"Is that acid",He asks,
"Don't answer, none of my business"

"It's about Cesar",I take over from the boy whose now shaking,
"Can we just talk about how smart he is",Ruby starts,
I tune out of the conversation after Ruby starts with 'emotional intelligence' and stuff like that.

I knock back into reality when I hear chocking,
"The fuck",I say turning around and noticing Ruby coughing with a smoke in his hand.
"We gotta go",I say through laughs,
"I'll see you",Oscar says before we stand to leave.
"Shit, I did it",Ruby says,
"Did you?",I ask raising a brow,
"Were you listening to the conversation we just had, it was like he was my brother' ",He says proud of himself.
"Whatever",I laugh.


"I did it",He says walking towards Monse and Cesar,
"I rocked that talk hard",He praises himself,
"He chocked on a cigarette",I say as I get closer,
"For a guy named spooky he's surprisingly jovial",Ruby says after glaring at me,
"Whats jovial?",I ask confused,
"Friendly",Monse Answers,
"Are you serious Ruby?", Jamal asks in disbelief.
"Ruben.",He corrects, "and yes, Cesar's out of the gang",He try's to convince,
"Com?",Cesar asks me,
"I wasn't listening so I don't know",I shrug,
"Boom! Killed it",Ruby says,
"You killed it so hard that I got promoted",Cesar says making me groan,
"No spooky and I had an understanding",Ruby says shaking his head,
"That what happens when you use long words",I roll my eyes,

"Just got a text I'm gonna start running for the Santos",Cesar says,
"Shit , really?",I ask, He gives a nod.
"That can't be true he must be joking",He shakes his head more,
"Compa, I love you for trying but the deal is done, I don't blame you. I blame Monse.",Cesar says making me snap my head up.
"Me?!",Monse snaps,
"Here it comes",I say under my breath,
"Yeah, your the instigator the frickin' honey badger, you don't quit but now you have to.No more. We're done.",Cesar snaps back.

"And So is 'Ruben' I'm not man enough to bear that name",Ruby says with his head down and starts to walk away,

"Relax Ruben, you did fine",I say catching up to him and swinging an arm around his shoulder.
"Hey, your a man",Jamal comes up on his right and repeats my actions.
The rest of the day was tense as fuck.
Olivia and Cesar talking.
Monse giving Cesar daggers.
Jamal and I trying to cheer up Ruby.

Just to much shit hitting the fan all at once.


My phone vibrates making me jump.
"Who's this and what do you want?",I ask as I pick up the phone.
"I need you help with Olivia",I hear Ruby's voice at the end of the phone.
"What happened?",I ask plopping onto my bed,
"She wanted to give me my room back but I took it the wrong way",He explains,
I smirk at the thought of how embarrassed he must've been.
"How wrong?",I laugh.
"Very wrong and I think she noticed",He said frantically,
"I'll ask her tomorrow",I roll my eyes at how overdramatize he was being.
"Thank you",He breaths out.
"Bye",I say into the phone.


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