Chapter 4

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Hey sorry for the wait story is still in progress also Some parts of the story are in a different language, so in the ( ) is the translation, Enjoy.

While Mark slowly makes his way to the portal we see Wade far in the woods wanting to be alone “Wade slow down!” yells Bob from a distance. Wade quickly turns around to see Bob not that far behind him. “Bob what are you doing here?” Wade asked with a few tears running down his face. “I followed you to make sure that you were alright and that you wouldn't get lost.” Bob says as he finally catches up with Wade. “I just want to be left alone alright?” Wade says looking away from Bob. Bob puts his hand on Wades shoulder to reassure him that everything is going to be okay. Wade doesn't bother to look at Bob but instead he moves Bobs hand off his shoulder and moves a bit aways from Bob. “I said I want to be alone Bob” Wade says a bit more upset. Bob backs off a bit “okay i understand you need sometime to yourself but i can't just leave you here by yourself, who knows what's in these woods.” Bob says looking around the woods. “Fine, you can stay just stay over there” Wade says as he sits on the ground his back turned to Bob. “Alright” Bob says as he finds a log nearby and sits on it. A few hours pass Bob and Wade are still in the same spots they were. Bob gets up from where he is and walks over to wade. “Hey Wade you feeling any better?” he asks as he sees Wade had fell asleep where he was sitting. Bob walks up to him and lightly taps Wades shoulder. Wade slowly wakes up and sees he fell asleep “how long have i been asleep?” Wade asks looking around. “I don’t know probably for an hour at least” Bob replies. “Wow, wait where is Mark?” Wade says in a bit of a worried tone. “Oh when you ran off i followed behind you and i think Mark did not bother to follow” Bob says casually as if there is no problem with that. Wade gets up off the ground “Then we should head back to go get him” Wade says as he soon realises they are lost. “Bob i think we are lost” Wade said a little concerned. “Now, now were not lost i remember the out of these woods” Bob says pointing the direction they had come from. “Ok, you sure we came that way Bob?” Wade asked questions. “I’m completely sure now come on we gotta get moving” Bob said as he slowly started walking the way he pointed. “Ok now wait up for me” Wade said dusting himself off and catching up with Bob. As, they slowly began walking that way they came up on a plane crash. “Wait this was not here before” Bob said as they walked closer to it. “Bob i do not think this is the right way we came from cause i do not remember there being a plane crash” Wade said as they got closer to it. When they looked around they saw a bunch of suitcases and papers everywhere. “Wade does this look familiar?” Bob asked questioningly. “Ya it kinda does.” Said Wade. They soon realised they were in a completely different game. “There is no fucking way that we are in the game called the forest.” Bob said annoyed. “You gotta be kidding me how did we end up here!?” Wade said questioningly. “I do not know but we gotta get out of here and find Mark before something bad happens to him.” Bob said in a worried tone. “Yep, while we are here can we just eat some of these snacks that are all over the place?” Wade Ask picking up one. “Seriously, Wade this is not the right time for that.” Bob said trying to take the snack away from him. Wade quickly moved it away in time “But I'm hungry.” he said as his stomach growled. “Ugh fine, just make sure that you do not eat all the snacks.” says Bob as he looks through the suitcases that are lying around."Was machst du hier!?!"(What are you doing here!?!) says a voice from behind them. Bob and wade both are startled and look to see who or what said to them. But when they do they see nothing, nothing. “Who’s goes there?” shouts wade hoping someone will answer back. "Nun, du hast das Schlimmste erwartet. Hast du nicht Wade?" (Well, you expected the worst. Did you not wade?) says the anonymous voice, which sounds like he or she is everywhere. “Wade did the voice just say you name?” bob said fearfully. “Um yeah, bob i think so… ” wade says frightfully, trying not to wet himself. "Ja, ich habe Wade's Namen gesagt. Keine Notwendigkeit, mich zu fürchten, meine Freunde ... denn ich bin nur dein schlimmster Albtraum ... heh ... du fängst besser an zu rennen." ( Yes, I said wade's name. No need to be afraid, my friends ... cause I'm just your worst nightmare ... heh ... you better start running) said the voice as it got deeper. “Wade! We better start Running NOW!!!” Bob yelled as the demonic version of dark and anti combined came into view. “What the fuck is that bob.” yelled wade as they both started running as fast as they could. “I have no fucking clue what the hell that is, but it looks like dark and anti combined and its fucking scary wade!” Bob yelled towards wade. "Ahaha, führe dich sterblich, denn ich bin der Herrscher oder diese Welt und du wirst dafür bezahlen, dass du in meinen Wald gekommen bist."(Ahaha, you'll pay mortally, for I am the ruler or this world and you will pay for having come into my forest.) said anti-dark as he chased after them. “Wade over here!” bob yelled to wade pointing to a cave. “Okay lets go!!!!” Wade said as they quickly moved into the cave. As soon as they got in the cave they hid behind a few rocks and tried to catch their breath. “Why is that thing here and why is it after us?” Bob said with a bit of concern. “I do not know but i think it wants to kill us.” Wade said with fear. “Keep your voice down or you’ll lead it to us.” Bob said as it stopped right in front of the cave they were hiding in. Anti-Dark slowly walked into the cave and looked around for Bob and Wade. Wade tried his best not to scream like a little girl and almost did but luckily Bob covered Wades mouth before he could scream in fear. As Anti-Dark moved closer towards the rocks Bob and Wade could hear his breathing get closer to them. As soon as Anti-Dark was about to look around the rock he heard leaves crumbling in the woods and left to go see what it was. As soon as he left, Wade and Bob took a breath of relief. “I think he's gone.” says Bob as he moves his hand off of Wades mouth. “Ya a close call.” Wade said trying to act like he was not scared. Bob had given Wade a weird look “at least i was not the one who was going to scream like a little girl” Bob said. “Hey, i was not.” says Wade as he tries to show he was brave. “Mhm whatever you say Wade” Bob said sarcastically. Wade gives up on having an agreement with Bob. As Bob looks around the cave they are in he sees a few skulls on the ground and the portal to the next game. “Hey Wade i think found the portal.” Bob said getting Wade to turn around. Wade turned around as saw the portal that Bob talked about. “That must be our way out” he said. “Then what are we waiting for.” says Bob. As then head to the portal, avoiding all the skulls in the way. As soon as they were about to leave Anti-Dark appeared right behind them. Bob and Wade saw him as he said “Du kannst diesen Ort nicht verlassen.” (You can not leave this place.) They did not understand what he said and just went through the portal. As they did Anti-Dark tried to grab both of them but only got Wade. Bob went through the portal and that was the last Wade saw of Bob as the portal disappeared.

End chapter, hope you enjoyed I'll try and update this when i can. Anyways stay amazing.

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