Chapter 3

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Hey guys sorry that i haven't updated anyways i think all the chapter from here on out are going to be long so be prepared, anyways enjoy the chapter.

As we enter the world again, we can see Mark arguing with Bob and Wade about where the heck they are. “Mark take it easy we'll find Jack” Wade said trying to calm Mark. “Wade’s right, just take it easy and we'll find Jack in no time” Bob said as he put his hand on Mark's shoulder to reassure him. “You're right guys, I shouldn't overreact…. I am sorry” Mark said as he looked down at the floor disappointed with himself. “It is all right Mark just keep calm” Wade said cheering up Mark. Mark took a minute to calm down “All right I'm good, now where do we look” Mark said as if he was the leader of the group. “Well first off we are in a kinda empty room” Wade said looking around. “What the fuck is that??” Bob yells pointing at a warthog. “I think it’s a warthog from halo... *Mark realised which game they are in*..uh guys we are in halo reach…” Mark sighs. Suddenly they are thrown back about 50 feet. Bob and Wade get knocked out and Mark is then left by himself yet again. “Awe come on!” he shouts. He gets to his feet and is face to face with Anti once again. “Welcome to my world Mark.” he says with a gravelly voice. “Why the fuck am i here?” Mark says as he places his binary rifle to Anti’s head. “You think that scares me?” he laughs. “You can't hurt me Mark in this world I'm in control and you will never EVER see Jack again.” he snarls and flings Mark against the wall. “You're weak just like he was.” Anti takes his knife back from Mark. “No. You can't do this.” Mark says as he struggles to get up. “You're a failure just like Jack. I laugh at your pathetic influence on Jack.” Anti snarled as he slowly rose into the sky. “No get back here” as Mark suddenly blacked out and in his place was Lightiplier, (Mark’s strongest form besides Darkiplier.) “Hey!” Light yelled out to Anti. Anti suddenly looked down and saw what looked to be Mark flying straight towards him. “What the….” as Anti get decked right in the face and his body plummets to the ground. As Light watches Anti fall, he notices that Anti has released his knife and an explosion can be heard for miles. Anti struggles to get up but grabs his knife and bolts for Light. “Ahhhhhhhhhh” Anti screams as he slashes left and right at Light. “Yawn, are we done here?” as Light roundhouse kicks Anti into the wall. “Heh that is funny.” Light says and chuckles and looks away for one second and their right behind him Anti slashes at lights wings. “You miss me Light.” Anti laughs right before he is socked in the face with a right hook uppercut. “Ack” Anti screams as Light whales on him hard. “You're done for Anti. I have won.” Light says with pride. “Heh, what you think Light.” Anti says as he wipes the blood off his face and vanishes. “Oh no you do not” as Light tries to grab Anti but misses completely. “Well,  this is not good.” Light says as he fly down to Bob and Wade as they gain their consciousness. “Ugh, what the fuck happened Mark?” Wade says as he looks up at Light and begins rapidly taps Bob on the back. “What Wade stop tapping me so much... what the pharmacologic????” Bob says as he now looks eye to eye with Lightiplier. “Light why are you here?” they both ask. “Well.” he exclaims “Anti almost knocked us out, but you two were knocked out and somehow and somewhat Mark release me and I thought I defeated Anti but I guess I did not. He’s still out there somewhere in another game ruining Jack's life. We need to find him now. If, Jack dies…” Light sighs sadly”... Mark won’t know what to do if he’s gone. So time is not on our side now.” he proclaimed. And helped up Bob and Wade and healed them both. “Let's go, I think the next portal is on the other side of blood gulch.” as they walked the sounds of gun fights, brothers in arms mourning the losses of their comrades, and families burying their loved ones. Flooded their minds. The sadness that fill their minds made them understand the anger and unforgiving torment that all these soldiers were put through. But as they continued their minds raced, and it almost brought them to their most downs and darkest thoughts. They did not know what to do with all the sorrow that surrounded them. “Light.” Wade said silently. “Yeah, Wade.” Light answered back. “How are you in a position to deal with all this torment and sadness and sorrow?” Wade says as he wipes the tears from his eyes because he has lost many things, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. “I do not know Wade but there’s always a time in life where we have to mourn the loss of an animal or a family member. I’ve seen Mark go through all this and I understand why we cry and why we mourn.” he says trying to calm Wade. “We all have to go through our lowest lows and have to hit rock bottom now and then. But when we have to look back on the effects on those in our lives.” Light says as he feels Mark crying within him. “It will be okay Wade I promise.” as light slowly turns back to Mark. And Mark wipes his teary eyes. And notices Bob and Wade are both crying their eyes out. “Guys everything will be okay. We gotta believe in ourselves and we’ll achieve anything possible.” Mark says with some encouragement. “Well... that doesn't bring Jack back to us now does it?” Wade shouts and runs into the forest “Wade? Come back your gonna get lost.” Mark tries to say without breaking down in tears. “J-just leave me alone Mark…” as Wades voice fades away as he runs deeper into the woods. Mark looks at Bob and Bob pats him on the shoulder and follows Wade. “Guys...i’m......i'm sorry…” says Mark as he falls to his knees and cries. As the night passes by, there is still no sign of Bob or Wade and Mark is left there alone weak and not knowing what to do. “I wish you guys understood how much Jack meant. I’ve known him since I was a child. Losing him is like losing my family's dog…” Mark wipes a tear away from his face “ one understand me anymore, just like how everyone one forgot about Felix. He was ruined just like I am right now…” as he struggles to his feet and he heads towards the portal that is a days walk away. There was so much pressure put on Mark that day and he feels like he is being forgotten and there is nothing he can do to stop it from happening. All he can hope is to finding Jack.

End of chapter 3, hope you enjoyed anyways stay amazing.

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