Chapter 1

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Hello and welcome to the very first chapter of the story hope you enjoy.

It was a normal day for Jack, Mark, Bob & Wade. So they all decided that today they would play prop hunt. Jack however felt somewhat odd. Not the "Oh, I have a chill down my spine." type of odd. This was a whole nother level of odd for Jack. But Jack didn't want to say anything about it to the others so he kept quiet and acted like nothing was wrong. Although, Jack was having a great day, so far. Getting to record for three to six hours, but in his mind his thoughts lurked. 'Dang, something's not right today.' Jack said to himself as though it was a normal thing for him to say to himself. 'I feel like I should tell the others, but what if it isn't something?' so he chuckled and said to Mark, Bob, & Wade "Watermelons are my enemy." as he instantly got blown up by Wade's new tube. "God Fucking damn it Wade!?!" Jack said as he giggled. "Well, that's what you get for hiding in them watermelons Jack." Mark sighs sarcastically. "Well you gave me away..." Jack says before his camera glitches out and all they see is Jack's face all glitches up. "Huh, Jack is this some prank?" said Wade cautiously. But all they heard was static noises from his end. While this is all going on Jack was live streaming this game and now the live chat is blowing up with: "Oh My God what the fuck just happened?" "Jack are you okay?" "Uh is it me or is it my phone?" "Uh, why is there so many random noises I'm hearing?" Everyone watching the live stream freaked out they had no clue what to do. "Uh Mark do you have anything to do with this?" says Bob questioningly. "No Bob, I have no clue, but all I hear is static." Mark said with fear in his voice. "How are we going to find out what's wrong and what happened to Jack if we can't get to him?" Wade said to Bob and Mark. They sat there for a moment not knowing what in the world to do or how to get to Jack. But it only seems that time is on their side for now. They can only wait for now. As, time progresses throughout the rest of the day. The live stream continues running but now the viewers see the game glitching left and right. "Wha? "Says a boy. "Oh no this can't be good." as many more viewers join in on watching it. The glitching gets so bad that the live stream suddenly crashes and the live stream ends. As days pass Mark, Bob and Wade worry about their friend Jack. "Guys?" Mark sighs with teary eyes. "It is okay Mark, we need to get there and figure out what in the world has happened to Jack." Wade says with a reassuring voice. For he is one to do just that. "Yeah Mark, have we ever let you down?" Bob says with a jolly old smile. Mark wipes the tears from his eyes and stands up "Yeah you're right! I will not be upset cause he isn't here. You know what guys, lets do this. Let's find Jack." Mark says with enthusiasm. "That is the spirit Mark." Wade sighs as he hugs Mark. "Come on you guys We've got a Friend to save." sighs Mark. "Hey do you guys know how long it'll take us to get to Jack's place?" Says bob curiously. "I think about two days but don't quote me on it." Said Mark. After saying that he then looks around the room and tears up and he says to himself 'No more tears Mark you can do it. Do not let Jack down. He's your closest friend, you've known him for years. You're putting too much pressure on yourself for it. Just look around you Mark. Bob, Wade and all Jack's Subscribers are counting on you. Don't give up on this we believe in you.' as Mark hears this in his head he turns to bob and Wade and they are talking about a new game. "Guys!?!?" he yells "This isn't the time to be talking about games its time to get ready for this trip cause this trip is the main reason Jack needs us." they both look at him and grin "Your right Mark. We are losing a good friend of ours and all we are doing is sitting here on our asses doing significant nothing." Bob sighs, as he stands. Bob and Mark both look at Wade "What?" Wade tries to grab what they are hinting at. And then it hits him "OH, jeez you guys could have told me we were... oh wait we are?" Wade smacks his forehead. "Mark you are right we do not know what we might expect when we get there but at least we'll be prepared." Wade says as he stands with Mark and Bob. And they rush out of the house with bags already packed. And off they go, Jack's life is literally in the balance of these three men. The greatest friends he has ever known.

That's the end of chapter one what will happen next? what will Mark,Bob and,Wade find when they get there? Who knows, but i hope you like it so far. Anyways hope you enjoyed and stay amazing.❤

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