This part is just before everybody else leaves
(this is prob gonna get very confusing but when you see the numbers it's actually the player who is working as monika, giving her a way to act or words to say)
I look to the seat next to me, Sayori hasn't stop holding my hand since MC left, I realized I looked at our hands too long for Sayori to move hers slowly out of our grasp.
"Did.. did you see anything?" she stutters as she began to push the chair away.
"No I didn't I just liked it when you held onto my hand" I said getting up from the desk. I cant fuck up with her, I must keep a positive distance with her I moved forward to touch her hand with mine, genitally grasping my fingers around hers.
"I .... don't.. want" Sayori murmurs as she forced her hand out of mine tears strolling down her face as the door Swings open.
To all of our surprise Its MC.
I swear he always comes at the wrong fucking times, we need to act, NOW
I walked over to the door "You know we are about done here?" I said with a sorta cold tone as he doesn't seem fazed, in fact MC face looked very amused.
"Babe, listen here, Ill always go to the edge of the world to see your beautiful smile" He says grabbing a hold of my hand.
I look back towards Sayo, who started to walk closer to me but stays out of distance from MC, "Well just think again ass," I said forcing my hand out of his "I'm not yours, and won't ever be yours" I finished off as he chuckles.
"You'll change your mind eventually, but for real, its a damn shame you don't want to be with me" He turned around walking towards the door and leaned against the door frame. "We'd look so fucking perfect together."
I need some fucking help you guys!
I look over to see Yuri has her arm over Natsuki, just as I felt a grip onto my other hand. My anger dialed down as I realized it was Sayo who was hiding behind me holding onto my hand, "You know something brat" I heard come from MC's mouth. "I thought I told you don't stand in my way" He said putting his fist into a ball as he began to walk closer to us.
Well, what are you guys gonna...
(1)We must tell off MC, get him off of our chest
Wait... really? Well ok then Lets do this!
I wrapped my arms around her, giving her the biggest hug she has ever gotten from me. "Hey Monika can I have a-"
"Fuck off MC" I said interrupting him, "I'm Not letting you lay a hand on sayo!" I said as she leaned her face into my arms.
Its time
"Heh, so she told you" MC said grabbing something Bronze out of his pocket.
"No, I was able to tell from how your treating her now, than you're a fucking abusive little cunt"
"wow" Yuri said jaw dropped.
"Holy shit" Natsuki said, jaw dropped as well.
He chuckles "My, my, my, such fowl language coming from you, little miss petty" MC said as his fist wrapped around the Bronze--
(2)That's a bronze Knuckle he has on him!
Oh crap, fucking hell, what can we--
(3)Place a kiss on Sayori
.... I hope you guys know whats good
I let go of Sayori and walked in front of her, holding out my arms "Put down those bronze knuckles, before-"
"Before what, Huh!? What can you fucking do?" MC said interrupting me.
"Moni.. don't do anything" I heard from behind me, as I looked over see Yuri and Natsuki pull out there phones. Looking away from them, I do a little nod movement for them to know its giving the clear signal to call school security.
Lets hope what you guys said is good
"I'm gonna protect her, no matter what" I said keeping my guard up.
"And why is tha-"
"Because I love her" I said turning around placing a kiss on her cheek. "Heh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before han-" Sayo gave me the biggest hug I ever gotten from her
"Moni, I'm soo happy you said that" She cried in my arms.
"Urg fuck..." I heard MC say "How can you love--"
"4: How can I love such a sweet girl? how can you not?" Came out of my mouth, MC seemed stunned at my words.
"But.. why"
"5: Why what? why would I chose her over you? Come on its not that hard of a choice, she'd get my love no matter how you came on to me." Came out of my mouth.
'You guys must really hate him... this is why I like you guys
MC kept quite as he turned to leave the room "You girls are lucky to have each other to love and hold," he said walking out and closing the door behind him.
"Figures he would leave" Natsuki said walking to the front of the classroom with Yuri walking up behind her. "He had enough balls to bring and hold bronze knuckles to Sayo, but when you confessed your love for her he really couldn't do anything" Natsuki brought up.
Heh I guess you guys were right about that
I hugged sayori as she was smiling. "Hey Moni" She says as I look down in my arms at her, "Thanks for that, my little rain cloud has left because it realized the suns next to me" she said as she gave me a kiss on my lower lip.
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whoop the 3rd chapter is in, and its prob not going to end anytime soon. because the ship has just started to set sail. :)

The Untold problems (A doki doki literature club story)
RomanceIts going to be told as the point of view from monika She realizes Sayori started to act different when she and (Mc) broke up, the picture belongs to : give this creator some love <3 (WARNING HAS SOME DARK SH...