Wait, What?

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I'm Walking with Sayo to her house, which isn't even that far from mine. Maybe a block away?
Or how Yuri's house is 3 blocks away from mine and Natsuki is 4 blocks away. Those two never knew  they actually did live close to each other if it wasn't for our book meet at Yuri's house a month ago, but a month ago none of us were this close, Natsuki and Yuri fought so much, Sayo and myself didn't see much eye to eye. That was when MC came into our club, We all fought, for him. I remember the first night the girls hung out at Yuri's house.




"Hey Yuri, don't you have anything fun in this place besides old dusty books and V.H.S tapes?" Natsuki said with a sigh and Sayo paps Natsuki,

"Maybe if you would of been somewhat more mature you'll learn to love these old relics" Yuri said puffing up her chest and turning her head away from Natsuki. "You... you don't know anything great about that time" Yuri ended off her and Nats conversation and walked over to her bookshelf. 

I walked over to Natsuki and I went to pat her back,

"If I wanted to be scolded for not liking the past, Id would of stayed with papa instead of coming here" Natsuki murmured as I touched her back gently  

"You ok Natsuki? You said something very off a second ago?" I asked getting the attention of Sayo.

"What happened?" Sayo said sitting down next to me and Natsuki

"Nothin... just nothin" Natsuki murmurs as I felt her begin to shiver,

"This isnt just nothing Natsuki" I said as I rubbed her back. 

"HEY WATCH IT" Natsuki screamed as she knocked my hand off her back, "That really fucking hurt!!" She said shaking standing up

I turned around to see now Yuri is paying attention to this situation that just started to form in her house.
I gently place my hand on hers, "Nats, Im not here to hurt you" I said placing my other hand on her shoulder "I just wanna know that your alright, Im your friend" I said as I hear her begin to cry

"YEa.. YEA RIGHT" Natsuki says as she pushes me away from her "NOBODy will ever care for me!" She cried as she tried to run behind her, to her own mistake, she ran right into Sayori 

"Sayo don't let go of Natsuki" I said as Sayo nodded and gave Natsuki her known Bear hug

"LET GO OF ME" Natsuki screamed as she flailed kicking and screaming 

"Nats, why do you think we don't like you" Sayo murmurs 

"Because papa says that a girl like me won't make friends" Natsuki cry screams out realizing she screamed that, she began to weep even harder

"Who is this papa person you have spoken of for the last couple of weeks?" I asked as it seemed like I struck a nerve, "Is he your father?" I asked as she nodded. 

"But like isn't family suppose to be there for there kid?" Sayo questioned as Natsuki broke free from her arms

"HE never cared for me! He and mama always loved to cause me pain" Natsuki said  beginning to quiver "Mama was nicer to me, but when she went to work, papa would cause more pain then he did when she was around" Natsuki said as she got into position to run outside.

My eyes caught onto Yuri's eyes who was already moving towards the door, I nod in agreement "Natsuki, we do-" 

"I don't want to hear that bull shit that leaves your mouth!" Natsuki says as she takes a bolt to the door. 




"Moni?" I hear from a voice standing next to me

I blink once, maybe even twice and I realized I was zoned out for a couple of minutes, "Wait, what just happened?" I said rubbing my head looking around, I see Sayo looking right at me very worried. I didn't realize I was sitting on her couch the entire time I was in my mind,

"Moni please tell me your fine"  Sayo said placing her head on my shoulder

"Yea Im fine, I just got lost in my mind once again" I said leaning my head against her's "I was remembering the first day we all spent a night at one of our houses" I continued

"Wait was it the time that Yuri and Natsuki?" Sayo said looking at me

"When they had a huge argument that caused Natsuki to rather deal with her abusive father then hear yuri talk down to her" I said as Sayo sat down next to me

"Yuri felt so guilty she actually had Nat feel that way" Sayo said as she placed her hand on mine. "Isnt that what started there bond?" Sayo asked me

"Yea, in some way its what also grew there friendship, if it wasn't for the last moment of tears from both of them." I said as I chuckled a bit,

"How come your laughing?" Sayo asked as I gripped onto her hand 

"Sayo" I said looking into her eyes "That was the day, they both started getting feelings for each other" I said smiling.

"You noticed them too?" Sayo said scooting herself closer to me " I thought I was the late one to know" She added in,

"Just this week they started this couple kind of stuff" I said placing my lips on her forehead giving her a kiss "Mainly Yuri cuddling Natsuki and those two constantly sitting next to each other during free time" I said placing my forehead now on hers.

"Or how Yuri got Natsuki to watch a horror movie when Natsuki got Yuri into a Anime" Sayo added in, not moving from this position.

We sat like this for a couple of minutes before both our phones buzzed at the same time

Nats: (¬‿¬) nothing is going on in your house Sayo?

Sayo: Whaaaa, noooo 

Yuri: Your a bad liar Sayo

Sayo: °Д° y do yall think Im lying ?

Nats: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Because we were waiting at Monika's house for almost 30 minutes

Sayo: Oh....

Me: (>ლ) and Natsuki and Yuri

Nats: Yeaaaa?

Yuri: Yes monika?

Me: Nothing rated M for mature happened in Sayo's house 

Nats: Wait really?!!? Fuckin damn I wanted you two to get together sooo bad ಥ_ಥ

Sayo: It wont be long, we will be there soon 

Yuri: see you two here soon ˙ ͜ʟ˙

I looked over at Sayo and chuckled, "Its time for the party to start at my place" I said getting up from the couch, putting my hand in front of me "care to join me my dear girlfriend" I said placing a kiss on her hand. I looked up at her
and I saw the biggest grin that I ever saw on her face. 


Whooo!!! This took some time but I finally finished, and if you do know 

I normally write big storys

so dont worry this wont be over anytime soon. 

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