Chapter 5

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I woke up to banging on my door.

" who is it?" I yelled.

" All of us! We have to go to the meet and greet."

Shit. I completely forgot about it. I jumped out of bed and threw on some coral high waisted shorts and my floral crop top. I already had my makeup on and then I left my hair down in its natural curls.

" oh my god Rae are you ready yet?" Nash yelled as I tied my white converse.

" Take a chill pill guys. " I said as I walked out.

" Finally!" Cam said.

I was still waking up so I walked slower than the guys.

" You still tired?" Matt asked running up to me.

" Yes. Is it noticeable?" I asked him.

" No. Not at all." He sucks at lying.

" Liar. " I said playfully punching him.

" Here I'll give you a piggy back ride." He said motioning for me to get onto his back.

" But I'm heavy. What if I hurt you?" I asked.

" Oh please. What do you weigh? 120?" He asked.

" 112" I said.

" Rae get on my back." He said.

I jumped.

" You good?" I asked.

" My god you're light. " he said.

We ran ( well Matt ran) to the room where the meet and greet is going to be.

" There you are!" Bart said.

" Yeah. Sorry we are later than the rest of the boys. She was tired so I had to carry her." Matt explained pointing to me.

" Oh what a gentleman." Bart said as he scruffed Matts hair.

" Okay so um what do I do?" I asked Bart.

" You will sit at a table with Shawn and sign things and take pictures just like the rest of the boys. Once it starts." Bart told me.

We all walked backstage and waited for the screaming fans to come in. Then Bart came back.

" Raegan can you do me the biggest favor ever?" He asked me.

" Sure Bart, whatever you need."

" Can you DJ? Ours is sick and won't be here for a few days."

" Sure I would love to!" I said.

" Great thank you." He said as he lead me to the DJ table. I sat down and taught myself what is what. Then Shawn came out.

" What are you doing? Go back to back stage!" I said.

" Nope! I wanted to cone out and hang with my little sister until Bart makes me go back." Shawn said.

" Okay. But if you get into trouble it isn't my fault!" I said.

" Alright fine. So I was wondering-" I cut him off.

" Yes Ana I will build a snowman with you!" I said and hugged him.

" Wow you are such a dork. " he said.

" You love me though. "

" Like I have a choice. " I pushed him playfully.

" So what were you wondering?" I asked.

" Will you sing a duet with me for the fans?" He asked. He even pulled his puppy dog eyes on me. Gosh he knows I can't say no now.

" Yeah I will." I said.

" Really? Yes!!" He said doing a victory dance.

" Who's the dork now?" I asked smirking.

" Still you."

" Thanks Shawny. " I said.

" What are big brothers for Rae?" He asked.

I smiled. " so what song are you thinking of singing with me?" I asked.

" I was thinking of Everything Has Changed by Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift? I know what that song means to you and if you don't want to do it that's fine but I really love the song and we have done it together before. " he said.

" Even though what it means to me isn't very positive I will sing it with you because I love you. " I said with tears in my eyes.

" I'll have to warn you though. I might cry on stage." I said.

" Its okay if you do. " he said and hugged me.

" Thanks Shawn. I love you."

" Love you too Rae. I won't ever let what happened to you happen again. I promise." He said pulling away.

" You need to go before you get into trouble with Bart and I full on ball. "

" Alright Rae. I love you. Be good. " Shawn said walking back.

" Don't worry Shawn I will!" I called back. He is such an amazing big brother. I am so happy to have him in my life.

A/N Just a little Shawn and Rae moment for ya! Magcon happens next chapter!! Yay! I'll try to update sooner than Saturday but I am really busy. So see you Saturday!

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