love an impossiblity

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Hi i am a fag a closeted one well not actually see i live in india and i have told my mom and sister and they are pretty cool about it the problem is with me i hate myself for it how many countless nights have i cried myself to sleep feeling the pain, begging to be cured or killed
Whenever i see a certain man my heart flutters and i go mad ....well not really but hey u need to pack a punch so that people might read this crap he is handsome tall masculine the thing is he is straight and can never be mine it hurts but what doesnt wen ppl will see u as an abomination
I hate feeling him so close yet so distant hes my senior over everything i dont feel love mere attraction but still the desire to sin runs as high as ever really coming out of closet is a thing u all will encourage its cute if it happens in us and uk but in india its not theres a narnia inside the closet i have to battle my demons within if i out i will have more .....
Y did god create me the way i am i can hide myself pretty well i hid till 19 yrs i told my mom and sis after 3 months of being  19 they accepted me but will the world?its not a fairy tale and contrary to me being gay i am not shitting rainbows and riding unicorns (no pun intended)dirty people
Its just that i hate being this idiot i am no matter how much u wrong me i will still be nice wid u pretty weak ri8 thats me for u

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