When James was sorry for rocky lost. James kiss rocky on the forehead then rocky say ' why did you do that' said rocky then James say ' I ..... ' James was scare to talk to rocky when he kiss her on her forehead then rocky kiss James in the lips then James was blushing then he went to his room and he told rocky that she could stay here until she find a home.The next day rocky was going down the stairs then she saw this girl wearing a crop top and shorts and vans and her hair was blonde. rocky went to find James and told him who was the girl James say ' that's my girlfriend'. then rocky told James 'I'm gonna not talk to you anymore so bye and never look for me anymore ! ' rocky ran away and push James girlfriend to the floor and then the girl was confrused and left to so James grab her arm and ask ' why are you leaving ? ' She said ' you were cheating on me ! ' Then she slaps James on the face then left. rocky was ruining and was looking for her house and then she got back she check on her phone there was a message from her ex ayoruben said ' hey rocky how you doing and how's ur love life message me back pls or call me '. then rocky called him and told him that what happen to his girlfriend then ayoruben was say ' that girl she not my girlfriend she was drunk And she kiss me Beacause she was drunk '.rocky was shocked and fainted. Then ayoruben was carrying rocky and taking her to the hostipal. then rocky wake up and told the doctor why she fainted doctor told her that. rocky fainted Beacause she haven't eaten in a while so the doctor give her thing back and ayoruben was worried about rocky the do tie told her that she gonna be find and told Ayoruben ' she need to eat ' then ayoruben told doctor ' sorry I wasn't with her for a month and rocky came out of the room and went home alone. part 4 comming up