4 - Double Trouble

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Haley POV
I finished my masterpiece or if that's what artists say when their done. Everyone adores my artwork, even the professor. Four hours pasted. It's already evening! I ran home fast as quickly as I can! I opened the door and-
I saw a beautiful girl.
She looked like she's around my age or so. We made eye contact! I was embarrassed, so I ran upstairs to get dressed to my work clothes. I went downstairs to help my mother.
"Took you long enough. Here! Make coffee for this girl! She's an actress!" Squealed as she gave me the girl's order.
"Sorry! I'll work on it right away!" I rushed to get coffee beans, coffee cup, and the coffee maker machine. I wiped off my sweat as I was doing it. In a few seconds of matter, I gave the girl her order, nervously.
"Here is your order!" I embarrassed myself by screaming the four words. Putting down the coffee and then bow as I leave.
"Thank you!" She giggled the way I spoken to her. Lift up her cup and took a long sip. 'Delicious!" Smiled with a angelic voice. I was so shocked that I didn't see where I was going, and fell backwards! Ughh! So humiliating!
"Are you okay?!" The girl saw me fell... I'm so irritated! She went to me with a concern looked. She touched my back to see if it's alright. Even my face!
"I'm okay...no need to worry-" I laughed awkwardly to her as I slowly stood up and bow.
"If you say so...thank you very much for the delicious coffee!" She smiled again...so beautiful... I felt warmth when she hugged me... I felt... happiness. She let go of me and walked away to the entrance. And... I saw...no other than Noel Akio! He knows her?!! What the hell?! When? Where? How?! I need explanations!
"Sorry I came late... I was busy." Ruffling his brown hair as he looked into the girl's eyes. I never in my life...felt... jealousy...envy! I ran upstairs and shut my door locked.

Noel POV
"Was that Haily?" I said with a confused expression as Jie looked at me with confusion. I slapped myself that I liked Haily but Jie...UGHH! The pressure!
"Who's is that girl? Haily? You two know each other?!" Questioned Jie as she quickly changed her tone, to bad. She put a evil look at the shop and back to me. "I don't like her..why did I even worry about her!" She screamed loudly in frustration, putting her face down, mumbling words.
"She's a good friend of mine. Do you not like her?" I said it like I was dumb but I think I know what she was feeling. Maybe. I rubbed her hair in a constant motion to calm her down.
"Friend? Huh? I don't like her...I don't like her one bit!" She yelled at me again but this time, she ran out the door. Leaving me.... standing... cluelessly.
"Jie! Wait!" I followed her as fast as I could! I heard tears coming from her. I felt guilty about it. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with Haily? I shake my head back to reality.
"Jie! Let's talk about this!" I tried screaming out to her. Reason with her. I really did. I stopped as she was no where to be found... she's gone. I collapsed onto the floor without knowing what is going on...what is going on?! I felt as if I lost something... I don't know why? But it shattered my heart into a million of pieces...

I didn't mean to run off like that. I was jealous that he likes her more than me! I suddenly lost my energy and fainted. On the sidewalk! No one was there to help me...but suddenly... I heard a voice. Is that...Haily?
"Are you alright? Can you hear me? Open your eyes!" She shouted at my exhausted face to get my attention to walk up. I slowly stood up and brush off.
"I'm fine. Thanks." I said it with no eye contact and in a cold tone of voice. It made her more worried and shivered.
"Are you sure? You were out here alone! You fainted for Pete sake!" There goes that girl... worried about a stranger. Pfff.. typical.
"I know that already! So, like, stop talking to me for just a second and get the fuck away from my Noel!" I screamed at her stupid face. Yes, I just cussed her off. I hope she learned her lesson. I walked away like a badass.
"The heck" Haily murmured to herself although I still hear her underneath her breathe. I ignored Haily as I faded away far from her. I laughed feeling proud saying that to her.

Haily POV
I was so shocked that she said that to me. Like damn... I didn't know she has a bad side of her! She really likes Noel. I gave up of what's going on. I went straight home to do my work. I just noticed...Josh didn't come few days ago. I became very worried about him! He always come by! What happened?
"Here is your order I hope you like it!" The same lines except the last one. I said it like everything was okay but no. I don't feel alright at all. I said the same words to each of my customers one by one.
"That's all the customers for today! Good work, sweetie!" Hugged tightly as my mom gave me a big smile on her face. It lightened me a bit.
"Thank you, mère!" I giggled as I walked away to my room to get ready to sleep. I finished my routine and went to sleep.

~Beep Beep~

Josh-I'll be at your coffee shop tomorrow!♥️

The next day. Wednesday!

~Beep Beep~

"Ughh.." I groaned as I picked up my phone to see what was going on. I looked at it and quickly Stand up and went to get ready in the speed of light. When I looked at the message from Josh I just got suprised and excited!😁 I shower, dry myself, picked out my work clothes, and put make up. Almost tripped myself as I ran downstairs to see where Josh is. Nope. I was too. Freaking. EARLY! I woke up at 6:20am! Hell, I got excited for nothing...well..at least for now. I sighed and sat down to check my social medias.
"Your up early. Why's that?" My mother scared me as she said it with confidence. I turned around as quickly as I can when she said that.
"Waiting for..uh..Josh!" I blushed when I said his name. I turned back to my phone, blushing. I don't want to make my mother think I like him. But, she already did.
"Okay then. I'll make us some breakfast!" She smiled with joy as she went to the kitchen.

~Ding Ding~

"Who's there-?!" I see shouted at the customer. Soon turned my face even more red since it was JOSH!
"Good morning, m'lady Haily." He bow to me like I'm some kind of princess of some sort! I blush all shades of pink to red when he said that to me.
"Good morning to you too, Josh!" I said it in a shy voice. Ah! I'm so embarrassing! I walked up to him and smiled. He then kisses me on my forehead.
"Sorry for not coming. I was busy with my photoshoot." He chuckled softly, ruffling his beautiful, black hair, that is soft and swift. I can't stop thinking about him! He's too precious! Ahh!

Josh POV
I felt so alive when I'm with her. I feel joyful and happiness! She's so awkward and cute! Very relatable feelings we have for each other. She just doesn't know that. I hugged her tightly. Not letting go of her warmth. She's mine.
"Can I have the usual?" I said in a proud voice. In her ears. She flinch when I said that.
"O-Of course!" She blushed bright pink that I can tell she likes it. I like it too~
"I'll be back in a couple of minutes!" She shouted at me as she started working on my coffee. This time, more careful and perfect.

~Ding Ding~

"Haily!" A familiar voice called out to her. It was Noel! What is he doing here?! With a girl?! The hell is going on?!
"Noel-" She paused as she saw the girl next to him, angry? I had no idea what is going on?! I feel that we're in double trouble...

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