Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Sparrow

Chapter 7

I lay in my bed wondering when will I get out of hell. It's been a while since I've been here, maybe more. Everything is the same though, everyday is the exact same thing.

They don't let any of the patients out unless for some sunshine but it's December, and there's snow. Snow is something I have been so fond of. I've always wanted to be like snow, cold but beautiful. That is something I will never be.

Usually I sit down on the concrete floor next to the bars. I see guards always on their shifts, they bring me supposed questionable food to eat everyday. Nothing has ever broken this routine. Until today.

I'm not sure what day it is today, no one ever says anything about it.

I sit on the cold floor doing nothing, just imagining outer space.

I remember seeing the night sky before I had came here. The stars were so beautiful, and so was the moon. I believed that once people have passed away, they become a star. That's why there is so many of them.

The dead look after us at night while the sun represents their happiness shining down on the world. They are our guardian angels, many humans don't have one because they have no one that they care about or care for.

The planet's also have meaning to the universe. They represent us. The sun represents people's happiness. The moon is security when many don't get it. Earth is, for the living and the beating hearts of animals & many, human.

Mars is for the mysterious souls that want to be found but don't want to be seen. Mercury is kind but doesn't want to get hurt. Venus resembles the power of beauty and how everything is beautiful no matter how bad you are. Uranus has it's way through wanting to have a future and heart.

Jupiter seems to have it all but, beneath what you heard or seen, there is nothing, heartless. Saturn has wonders and adventure that will be the rise of happiness. Neptune will conquer all with one strike, seems so menacing but has the soul made of pure kindness.

And finally, my favorite planet.


Pluto isn't considered a planet anymore, though has the most meaning out of all of them.

It's always hidden, the smallest. Pluto seems so broken, vulnerable in a way. Though it stays strong through what everyone says. No one seems to listen to it nor pay attention. It's just there.

Pluto reminds me of, myself.

It's like I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and no one around you notices. You know you try so hard, but it's not your best. So you just cower in the corner waiting in the shadows for something, anything, to happen. Your alone, you can't help it.

The stars around the planets know every single one of them. The souls connect to who they are, who they were their entire life. They are the light to the darkness that fills up a dark space with nothing in it, just souls.

And soon, I will be one to light up a lonely endless darkness for an eternity.

I have always had problems with what I would think.

Sometimes, I had dreams where I knew I was dreaming and everything felt so real. Tears were always felt and so were the laughs. I had even felt the sun touch my skin.

My eyes traveled along the gray walls to create visual constellations.

Soft footsteps were heard coming toward my end of the hallway. My attention then draws me to a boy.

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