Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harry's P.O.V

Faded sunshine tints the unknown room I am in, and instantly I feel my head throb. I groaned in pain and rolled over awaiting to see a girl. Usually I end up at some girls house for the night to have sex or drugs but this isn't the setting you would see for a girl who likes to fuck.

The room has paintings, photographs, and little stars on the walls along with a wooden wardrobe that had some small utensils up on it. The floor was free of litter giving the oak a shiny finish to it, a small window was then covered in white lace curtains.

I then look to my right and see a small night stand with Advil and a cup of water.

Without hesitation I grab the pills and downed the water, there were some other pills on the table that I have no idea what it is but take it anyway.

The covers over me were black, white, and a woolly blanket most defiantly different from the others that felt like silk.

The pillow was most defiantly soft with a pleasure and smelled like strawberry's mixed with a flower field.

I was very pleased with the scent while I on the other hand smell like weed and tequila.

I turn my head to my left to see another night stand with a manila portfolio on it & a tiny hole in the wall.

Raising my eyebrow, I could have swore I seen something like this.

I reach out my hand to grab the folder and searched for a name.

Brooke Noelle Stone.

Her middle name was really pretty.

I opened and the first thing that showed up was a document from the institution I worked and held at.

I furrow my eyebrows as I read this girls information, she was born April 20, 1996 and there was no description of her parents.

All it had said was a date from 1950 - 2001. They must've passed away, underneath that it had a clear photo of the girl, Brooke.

Something about that names rings a bell in my head but I can't exactly say what.

I remember staying in the institution for my own damn problems but eventually I broke out. I work there now but they don't know who I am, everyone just knows me by my name.


I don't get why my name is Harry, it sounds way too "innocent". I'm sure as fuck am guilty of a lot of things, but one is a crime & far to dark for my own state of mind.

Something I regret every single day knowing I'm guilty of a crime. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, especially the one girl I loved with all my god forsaken heart but she's gone.

I shook away the thoughts from my head not trying to revive my emotions and skimmed along the paper.

Apparently Brooke has schizophrenia, depression, & a not serious case of DID.

What the fuck is DID?

Sure I'm familiar with schizophrenia being having trouble knowing what's real or not, having hallucinations, and depression being sad for long periods of time but DID?

I have to remind myself later to look it up if I don't forget with this fucking hangover giving me shit.

Below that, it has some kind of description of medication and other things I'm not paying much attention to. I flipped the page to see a picture of Brooke as a child I'm guessing and with her parents I assume.

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