Finally, his stocks had been refilled. He now had seven green apples waiting for him.
He liked apples.
He was just about to pick one up, when the Wizarding Wireless started crackling.
Sighing, Draco walked over to it and began to prod it in the hope of silence.
However, the poking just made it start working properly, as one of the news readers started droning on about political issues and what not.
Draco only paid attention when he heard the word 'apple'.
"And so due to forthcoming Triwizard Tournament, Bulgaria will no longer be sending green apples to England. I repeat: No more green apples."
Draco stood there, shellshocked. There was only one thing left to do.
He ran.
And ran.
And ran.
All five minutes to the corner shop where he proceeded to buy all of the green apples he could see. Which disappointingly was only two.

Drapple: A loner's life
FanfictionDraco Malfoy is a loner. He lives by himself in a dreary apartment block. With his father in Azkaban, mother not talking to him, friends out of the picture, Draco finds himself turning to his last hope of a normal life. An apple.