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~warning: small section of smut later on, so don't be bitching at me if you did not like it~

The sound of her name ricocheted throughout my brain. The wave of compassion that radiated off of her caused a peculiar effect in my mind.

She treated every wound as if it was going to lessen time from my life.

"What are you thinking 'bout?" Michael entered his leather scented car and handed me a takeout bag full of fast food that he favored.

"Nothing." I shrugged while sneaking my hand into the heated bag to get a piece of fry.

"I've know you since birth, and we were probably brethren in our past lives when we would live in shitty caves. I know something is wrong." Michael ran a hand through his lilac hair before starting the engine of the car. The car let out a defeated growl and slowly turned on.

"I already told you, Michael. Nothing is bothering me. I'm just pissed at Tristan." My shoulders shrugged as I leaned back on the leather chair. Michael wrapped his arm around the passenger's seat while backing out of the occupied parking lot.

"And this is exactly why I told you to drop out. There are too many fake bitches like that kid. Honestly, you don't even need to attend high school to get somewhere in life." Michael plunged his hand into the bag and pulled out a handful of fries.

"I know, but I don't think living in a trailer is appealing to me." The asphalt road cracked underneath Michael's car as he raced through the vacant road with gas stations on every side.

"Why? Don't tell me you have a dream career." Michael scoffed and cursed when we were suddenly stopped by traffic.

"Don't you? Everyone has dreams." Michael's pessimistic mind has poisoned me quite a lot. Most hope of the future has been drained away due to Michael's reasoning.

"Everyone but those who don't have parents." Michael harshly honked at the elderly woman cutting him and flipped his finger at her.

"That was kinda rude." I noted Michael's latest profanity.

"What happened to you? Are you sick or something?" Michael raised an eyebrow at me while puzzling through the moving traffic.

"No. I just think I'm tired." I bit my lip to prevent from arguing with the only person who's been there for me.

"Yeah you should sleep. There is a party tonight that we should go to. Are you going?" Michael pulled out his shades to block out the afternoon sunlight piercing into our eyes.

"Yeah sure. But I don't get why you are so angry in me talking about having dreams-"

"That's my point Calum! Jesus Christ. Why are you so hung up on this dream career when I mean, look at us." Michael halted the car due to traffic and pierced his light green eyes into mine.

"Sorry," I muttered after a car behind us began cursing at Michael to continue to drive.

"You need a drink and a good lay. I heard Reid got a deal today." Michael was slightly irritating me with his heartless ways of changing my hopeful thoughts.

"I know. Sorry." I shrugged and avoided eye contact with him.

"It's fine. You just got influenced by the rich kids. It happens sometimes. Just remember, nothing good happens to rejects like us.


The blonde dancing on the alcohol smelling couch eyed me down with every move she made. Her turquoise dress slipped down occasionally whenever she caught me staring. Her vivid emerald eyes gazed into mine as she bit down on her wine colored lip.

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