Chapter 4 - Don't I at Least get a Kiss?

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"That was meant to take only around 40 minutes." said the lady behind the counter, smirking. "You were in there for almost an hour and thirty minutes."

"We got sidetracked," said Korah.

"I hope you don't mean what I think you mean," she said.

"Oh, no!" Skat exclaimed. "Definitely not!"

The lady raised her eyebrow and giggled. "Hope you had fun, have a good day."

As they left, Korah earned a cheeky look from Skat.

"We got sidetracked? Really?"

"What would you have liked me to say? We had a tickle fight?" Korah asked sarcastically.

"Better than 'we got sidetracked'. She took it the wrong way."

"And what would have been so wrong with her thinking it like that?" asked Korah.

"She thought we.... You know...." Skat tried to think of another way to say what she needed to say.

"She though we had sex."


"What do you care about what she thinks?" asked Korah.

"What do you mean?"

Korah gave a smile.

"Why do you care what people think about what you do?"

"I don't care."

"Then why does it concern you if she thinks we made out in the maze?"

"Because we didn't," said Skat.

"So? What's she gonna do, tell all her friends and start rumours about two kids whose faces she probably doesn't even remember?"

Skat shrugged.

"Why would it affect you?" Korah asked.

"Because I like people to think I'm mature and responsible."

"What if they don't?"

This question stumped Skat, so she didn't answer.

"Well?" Korah asked.

"I don't know, can we do something more interesting now?"

Korah smiled and nodded. He secretly wanted to change the subject too, as he felt way too intelligent during that conversation.

"What time is it?" he asked.

Skat checked her phone.

"Almost 5:30," she said and turned it off.

"Do you need to be home by a certain time?" Korah asked her.

"Oh, you want me gone," Skat said, faking sounding sad.

"Didn't mean it like that," Korah said laughing.

"I know," said Skat. "But no, my parents don't put me on curfews. I just come back at a responsible time sober and stable."

Korah laughed. "You hang out with me long enough and that might just not happen."

Skat looked wary. "By this you mean...?"

"I'm kidding. But I'm not what you'd call responsible."

"I've already calculated that," teased Skat. "But I do think I might head off."

"Aw, why?" asked Korah.

"Tired and in the mood for coffee. Also, I have school tomorrow, and as you said, if I hang out with you much longer I might not go back."

"I'll see you again though, right?" said Korah. "Like we could meet here every once in a while and do stuff."

"I don't know," said Skat, picking up her bag and putting her earphones in.

"Don't I get a kiss from my girlfriend?" Korah said cheekily.

"Oh, you're a real gentleman, you know that?" said Skat, kissing him briefly on the cheek. "Bye."

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