Chapter three.

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I jump back and scream ,running to the furthest corner of my room. The brown haired boy and his cloaked friend smirked at each other then back at me. All of a sudden i see the brown haired boy put his hand in the air and waved it around in a mystical type of way and then all i see is the clouds and the blue sky. I am falling thought the sky and all of a sudden I hit the ground, hard.

I woke up and it was dark and cold. I stand up and try and see what is in my surroundings , my eyes have adjusted to the darkness and I can tell that there are trees and bushes all around me.

But where the hell am I ?

I start to walking thought this Forrest. I am walking for a few minters until I hear voices calling out to someone. In the situation I am in I though to my self that all I want is to hear other voices then my own but there is something different about these voices that I am hearing right now. Normally I would of felt hated, unwanted, unsafe. I would have the feeling of not belonging. I feel all of those feelings but one , I feel like I belong and it's strange , very strange.

The voices are getting clearer and I can understand them , there calling my name. I don't know weather to call out or not. I think I should call out once so I did.

"Hello anyone there!?"

As soon as I had open my lips I know it was a bad idea.

The voices are even more clearer . The voices are deep and soft, we'll at least before I had yelled out. Know they are yelling and I hearing them running. This can't be good. I automatically remember to the brown haired boy and his friend, and I start to run in the opposite direction. But there is not use I hear them getting closer , there to running me. Shit.

I pick up my pace and try to get away but before I know it I trip and graze my knee. It's not a bad graze but it is bleeding and it's hurts a lot. I try to run again and there is no way that I can run at the pace that I was just running at it hurts way to much. Keep a low paces and keep telling my self thy I can do this but in mid thought someone comes or of no where from the side and tackles me to the ground. It's the cloaked boy that was in my bed room. I can only see him so I don't know if the boy with the brown hair is near.

" ah I see raven you made it" said the cloaked boy with a smirk on this face.

" what do you mean made it here? Who are you?" I yell at him.

" you questions will be answered later" said the boy.

As soon as he had stopped speaking he ran at me and lifted me on to his shoulder and stared running the way that I wanted to get way from.

as much as I yelled at him to let me go he didn't. I give up trying and just wish that I can wake up from this night mare.he stops running and throws me off his shoulder on to the ground and tries my hands together and my feet.

I hear him all for someone called pan. What kind of name is pan? A boy appeared from behind a tree a walked over to the both of us. It was the brown haired boy.

" nice work felix , I can always rely on you to do my dirty work "

" not like had a choice pan"

" um hello, can someone tell me what is going on. Where the hell am I !? Who are you both!? What do you want with me !?"

" wow this one , asks a lot of questions felix"

" yeah that's one of there flaws that we now know about know I guess"

" yeah sure what ever you say, now, get her in the cage and to the camp , give her a tent, change of clothes and then lead her to the hall okay ?"

" but pan I thought you had to -"

" that's enough talking from you felix , now do what I say."

" okay,

You , raven right? Get up now "

" yeah I can't you tied me up"

" I know I didn't want to make it easy for you"

I am now trying to get up with my legs tied and hand tied up. I try and I am successful I hop to where the cage and stand and stare at it. Before I know it two hands are on my back and I am pushed into the cage. Now I am on my way to this so called 'camp'. A couple of minters past and that music is playing in my head again ' if you hear the music it mean your alone' and as we get closer to the camp it gets louder, I am starting to think that maybe it just not me that can hear this music.


Hey meh833 🌻

here and yes it has been a long time since I have last wrote. Sorry about that I don't really have a reason all it was that I didn't know what to write and I didn't find any time to sit down and write this story. Sorry if this chapter didn't make any sense if it didn't please tell me and I will start again and re write it. If you have any suggestions then feel free to leave them in the comments because I would like you know what you want in to story.

Comment , vote and all that

I will try to write soon


- meh833🌻


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