Chapter two

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Chapter Two.

I walk faster as the music grew louder. This music , I haven't heard anything like it before , but all I want to do is dance ,but I can't because there are people around who already don't like me so I don't want to make every thing even more worse.

By the time I get home the strange music has stopped and I am grateful for it because it was playing the hole inter time I walked home ,which scared me even more. I put my bag down and take my school uniform off and put my maroon long pants and a white t-shirt on. I head the kitchen to get some food and turn on the TV. I sit down with my sandwich and start to flick thought all off the TV channels. The the music starts to play again and I suddenly start to get a headache. I start to really freak out. The music gets louder and louder the more try to block it out from my mind. A soft whisper sound was filling the air ,still with the music playing and that's when I know I have gone crazy. I can't figure out that the whisper is say to be honest , but I can't help but feel that I am not letting my self understand the voice is trying to say

I slowly realise that I am breathing heavily and faster then normal. Am I having a panic attack ? While I am lost in my thoughts I hear the door open and the music get louder.

I can hear the taping from her high heels , hear the sound of coughing and the air in the hole house filling with the smell of smoke. it's my 'mother'.

" hello Cindy , how was your day?" I ask her, trying to walk light around her.just in case I say something that might piss her off, for example calling her my mum or mother.

"stop with this shit raven. I asked you to do one fucking thing and that was to clean this dump of house and you didn't even do anything." She yells, as she put a other smoke in her mouth and begins to light.

"um doesn't the maid ,your gross ass boyfriend pays for do all of the cleaning anyway?" I snap back and start to walk towards my room. I can just picture the disgust on her face by the bitchy comment I just made.

"We'll no raven he doesn't since I dumped his sorry ass today. So I guess you will be back to being my little bitch that does all the work. Now go to your room and no dinner to night I am going out with friends." She says still in her yelling tone, while she sucks the poison out of the lit smoke that she has sitting in her hand.

I walk into my room and lay on my bed and listen to music. Before I know it I have slowly fallen to sleep.


All I see green. Green all around me , green trees , green ground and green plants. I am running. How knows what I am running to or what I am running from but I can hear the music and the voice more clearer and I can hear what it is saying * you hear the music it means that your alone.* it keeps on repeating and repeating in my head as I keep running the green that is surrounding me. I hear other foot steps and I begin run faster not knowing if this is the reason my I am running or they are just as clueless as I am right know.

Before I know it I can see and boy stand in far in front of me and the noise of footsteps running has gone. I stop running and walk towards this strange but really attractive looking boy. His dark eyes are starting at me giving me goose bumps all over my body. He brown and soft looking hair fall perfectly in place , making me caught of guard.

" who are you?" I asked more quietly then I wanted to and expected to.

No answer from this very attractive looking person.

" what's your name?" I asked still talking quietly , wondering if he can even hear me , but yet still know answer from him.

" where am I ?" I finally asked which by now I am speaking at my normal voice volume.

The boy finally answers me but nothing relating to anything that I asked me. He said to me in the same voice that was whispering the hole time * if you hear the music it means your alone.* Before I can mange to say anything I wake up from my dream with the music still playing the voice still whispering the only thing that it has been saying and A very very attractive boy sitting across my room with a cloaked boy standing beside him.




Okay so that is the end of the chapter sorry it was late I have had I little trouble working watt pad out because this has been My very first book and I just saw The Fault in Our Stars and I couldn't get over it. I suggest to bring boxes of tissues.

Sorry if it isn't that long and if there is spelling mistakes. So I hope you like this chapter and make sure you comment and vote and all that stuff and I will try and update soon. Okay byeeee


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