Chapter 5

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My lips still tingled where Harry's lips brushed against mine a few nights ago. I held the coffee mug in my hand even though the coffee had gone cold hours ago. I sat at my kitchen table. In front of me was the newest edition of People magazine and i was on the cover. "Harry Styles cheats on new girlfriend."  The front read. The picture was when his lips were on mine accidently a few nights ago. I stared at the cover for hours. Next to the magazine, was my iPhone. My mentions were spammed with "Slut." "You had an affair with your bestfriends boyfriend!" "You suck." "bitch" "I hate you" "harry could do some much better" "ugly"  "gross" "kill yourself" "die" "no one likes you" "stupid." 

Meanwhile, Val's followers have grown to 100,000. Her YouTube videos of her dancing had gotten thousands of views. 

My phone had been getting 100's of texts, but i hadnt replied to any of them. I hated everyone right now. 

There was a knock on my apartment door. It wasnt my mother, she works 7 days a week and she's never home. She's at the bar, if she isnt at work. I hadn't seen my mother for the past 5 years.  She usually comes home while i'm at school, at night or when i'm not home. She didn't want to see me. The papa razzi doesn't know where i live. Val wouldnt rat me out. Or would she? Suddenly the door opened and it was Val. Of course, she had my spare key. She was in her pajamas and in her hand there was an edition People Magazine. Her look resembled pure betryal. 

"WHAT IS THIS?" She yelled and shoved the magazine in  front of me.  

I was silent. Looking down at my coffee. 


"I didn't kiss him." i said quitely and soildly.

"His grandfather died, Val. You weren't there for him so i hugged him. He wanted to kiss my cheek but i moved my head and his lips hit mine. Complete accident." I said still looking down at my coffee. 

"Oh right." she said her voice sarcastically. 

"Who are you gonna believe then, the paparazzi or me, your bestfriend for 10 years?" I asked her strenly. 

"But then again i don't even know who you are anymore." I said and got up without looking at her, grabbed my phone and the magazine and walked out the door. 

I texted Harry: We need to talk now. 

He texted me the hotel he was staying at and i put my hood on and walked with my head down so nobody would recongize me. I walked 15 blocks to get to the 5 star hotel he was staying at. In front of the hotel stood a copy pf the People magazine. I picked it up and tore it apart and threw it in the trash. Inside were a bunch of screaming directioners, i would have been one of them if it wasnt for the circumstances. I went to the front desk I told them i was a friend of Harrys. They asked for my name and then they called Harry and asked for his permission.


I knocked on Harrys hotel door. 

He opened it and he smiled but  i quickly stepped inside.

"Look at this." I told Harry sternly. 

He took the magazine and looked at the cover for the longest time. 

"Oh." He said. His voice was saddened 

"I'll just go on Twitter and explain everything, not a big deal." He said.

"Not a big deal? Harry, my twitter is spammed with hate, Valerie hates me, I'm on the cover of the most famous magazine in America for kissing my best friends boyfriend behind her back, and if i go outside normally i'll get dirty glances because everyone in America hates me!" I yelled at him.

He was hurt. 

"I'll talk to Val, and explain everything to my fans in the hotel and on twitter and everything will be fixed." He said trying to be as polite as possible. 

It still wouldn't work.

He was such a sweet boy and the fact that Val was using him made me hate her. I wanted to tell him, i dont want him to be hurt. But i cant because by my bestfriend dating him she would have her dream of being famous. Either way, they'll be hurt and either way i'd be the bad guy. And either way i'd betray them. 

Tears filled up my eyes. I sunk to the floor.

"I dont know what to do Harry." i said my voice shaky.

He kneeled down next to me and gave me a long hug. His shoulder was wet from my tears. 

"It's gonna be alright." He told me. His voice soothing me. 

I wanted to kiss him. I could treat him better than Valerie. I wanted to hug him and apoligize for not telling him sooner. I wanted to curl up with him on the couch and watch Disney movies but i couldn't. I was too scared to tell him the truth. My body was shaking. 

This was wrong. 

"I can't do this." i said and pulled away from the tight hug. I got up with tears falling down my face, my mascara in dark spots under my eyes. 

I looked into his eyes and they were hurt.

I opened the door and left Harry. Down the hallway i saw Niall, and ran to him. Because he could make everything better. We hugged and we went inside his room. He made me tea and told me to wash up in the bathroom. We sat on his couch and i told him everything. From how Val is using Harry and how we accidently kissed a few nights before. I told him about my family and how Val is like my sister and if i lose her, i'd have no one. He tried to console me. He gave me advice. Told me i was beautiful. He told me not to worry.

He told me "Everything is going to be fine, dont litsen to those hate comments, you are beautiful Leyla." 

I hadn't known Niall for long but his words make everything okay. They make your troubles seem distant.  

He hugged me and then he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. 


-Nikki xo 

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