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How was Harry here?

I'm so confused as to how this even happened.

Didn't Harry go off to college in Cheshire? So why was he back? And why was Louis with him? Were they a couple now?

I shook my head, "I-I need a smoke."

"Zayn." Niall grabbed at my arm, pulling me back, "You can't let yourself fall back into that hole just because you've seen him again. Don't let him have that much control over you."

"Well what am I supposed to fucking do?!" I snapped, yanking my arm out of his grip, "I'm freaking out here, Ni! How is he fucking here?! I was fine to never see him again but of course the universe decides to throw him back in my face right when I've moved on from my past!"

"Zee." Niall murmured, cupping his hands around my face, forcing me to look into his eyes.

I looked up, meeting Niall's calming and concerned sky blue eyes, "Why does he look so content?" My voice wavered, my anger crumbling, "He looks so happy without me."

"All these years I thought surely he'd at least miss me, but that was all just me trying to fool myself into believing in miracles wasn't it?"

Niall swiped his thumbs across my eyes softly and soothingly, and I jumped a bit, not realizing that I had started crying, "But you're doing good too Zee. You're so smart, and funny, and creative and beautiful. You're way out of his league. Heck if you wanted to you could have everybody in here on their knees doing your bidding. You should be the one in control; on top. He should be on the palm of your hand, not the other way around."

I rolled my eyes, relaxing into his palms and nuzzling into his fingers, "yeah, I am pretty great aren't I?"

Niall laughed, pulling me in for a hug, "that's right, and don't you forget it."

I tucked my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent deeply.

Vanilla and strawberries...

Niall rested his chin on my head, sliding his fingers from my shoulders to around my neck, and petting my hair soothingly, "I'm always here for you Zee, you know that right?"

I looked up into his eyes, has he always been this tall?

"Yeah." I breathed, my eyelids drooping slightly as I took notice of how fluffy Niall's hair looked, "I know."

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice suddenly broke through the silence.

As I danced with Liam, my mind kept wandering back to Zayn.

He walked away with that friend of his...

Panic enveloped me.

Did they leave?

I ripped myself out of Liam's tight grip, "I um-er I have to go." And without a second glance back, I ran in the direction that they came from.

Quickly running the corner, I immediately froze in my tracks.

Zayn and the guy were hugging, pretty intimately too...

Zayn, my zayn

Swallowing my anger, I crossed my arms across my chest and raised an eyebrow, "Am I interrupting something?" I spit with as much venom as I could.

Their heads whipped in my direction, both of them stepping apart from each other immediately.

Zayn's face was cold, as if I was a stranger; while the other guy looked... angry.

"Yes, you were." Zayn said.

My heart melted at the sound of his voice. I could've burst into tears right then and there, oh how I've missed you.

"Can we talk?" I pressed, "Without him?"

Zayn scowled, "His name is Niall. And no, we can't."

"Look, Zayn, I just want to talk for a bit-"

"You don't get to say what you want Styles." Zayn cut off venomously, "I wanted a loyal and loving boyfriend, but of course that's not what I ended with. So don't you dare come at me with what you want."

I bit the inside of my cheek. Strangely I felt relieved that Zayn was still angered and hung up on the past. He hadn't moved on. He still thinks about it. He still cares.

Niall placed his hand on Zayn's shoulder reassuringly and gave him a look, one that I couldn't decipher but Zayn seemed to immediately understand, "Alright." He huffed, relaxing from his tense stance, "Alright okay."

Niall smiled softly at him, then walked past me and back into the club area.

We were silent for awhile, staring at each other.

"So... how've you been?" I spoke, rubbing the back of my neck.


"Really? Because-"

"I've been great. So how're you and Louis?" Zayn coldly interrupted me.

My eyebrows furrowed as I cocked my head to the side in confusion, "Huh? We're both doing alright." I thought zayn hated Louis?

His jaw clenched and his eyes turned a shade darker, "Tied the knot yet?"

"Tied the-?" The confusion seeped from me, replaced with amusement, "Ohh... you think Louis and I are dating?"

This time, zayn was the one left puzzled, "You aren't?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

He was quiet, "Then why?"

"Why what?"

"Then why would you sacrifice our relationship for someone you weren't even going to date?!"

I swallowed thickly, "Look, Zayn, I-I honestly don't know what I was thinking. All I can say is that I'm sorry now... and, I hope that we can be friends again someday." Or something more...

"Friends?" He scoffed, "you're actually asking if we can forget everything you did to me and act like nothing happened? You ruined me. You made me what I am today, and for that, I will never forgive you. So why don't you kindly fuck off and get the hell out of my life?" He yelled, walking past me, "Shouldn't be too hard. You've done it before." He breathed as he rounded the corner, and then he was gone.

Ouch, okay that one hurt.

I frowned as I stared at the ground.
He used to be so sweet. He never would've raised his voice at me like that back then. What happened? Am I seriously the reason he's like that now?

Shaking my head in anger, I walked back towards the bar.

"Give me another three rounds."

Ahh sorry I haven't been updating a lot recently:(

But anyways let me know if this chapter feels a little rushed cause I can't tell, and don't worry the club scene will still go on next chapter!!

What are your thoughts on everything going on?

Do you think Zayn should have listened to Harry? Do you feel sorry for Harry? What about those serious Ziall feels at the beginning?

I wanna hear all your thoughts!!

Please comment and vote thanks:)


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