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It's been two weeks since Harry and I had officially started dating, and every moment honestly felt like I was in a fairytale.

Today Harry was taking me out for dinner. It was supposed to be our first official date.

Of course we'd had the casual stay at home days where'd we watch movies and eat popcorn, or days where'd we go out for some ice cream or something; but this was supposed to be like an actual fancy dinner.

I didn't exactly know where he was taking me, but he told me to dress up nicely.

"I just don't know Ni, which one looks better?"

I held up the two outfit options, one being a black button down knee length suit paired with black trousers and slacks whereas the other one was a navy blue suit with a white under dress shirt adorned with golden buttons, navy blue pants and cream colored dress shoes.

"You looked fine in both." He huffed, slumping onto my bed.

"Ni!! C'mon help me!" I whined, jumping in place.

He rolled his eyes, "We've been at this for an hour Zayn, if you don't hurry up you're not gunna have enough time for your hair." He warned with a pointed look, knowing that that'd get me to quicken my decision making.

My eyes widened and I nervously glanced at the clock, "Well if you'd just help me pick one instead of spewing random shit then this would be over with way quicker! Now c'mon, which one looked better?" I huffed, annoyed.

He shot me a glare before narrowing his eyes at the two outfits and scrutinizing them again, "Well, the navy blue really compliments your skin tone and makes your figure look nice but it also gives you a bit of a childish look. I'd say go with the black because it's chic and gives you a sharper look, which I think looks very good on you, judging from your recent shoots."

I grinned victoriously, hanging the navy blue outfit back in my closet, "And that's why you're my manager." I spoke before setting the black outfit down in front of me.

"So." Niall said after a few moments of silence, "speaking of shoots, I know you've been trying to avoid this topic for awhile now but have you told Harry yet that you have to go back at some point?"

I didn't look up or even acknowledge what Niall was saying as I removed my T-shirt.

"Zayn." He sighed, trying to get my attention, "You know you have to tell him at some point. Does he even know that you're a model?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, taking off my sweatpants as well.

"Zayn." He spoke again, voice laced with a bit of annoyance as he persisted to gain my attention, "It's unfair to Harry to lead him on like this. You're keeping a huge chunk of your life away from him, and he deserves to know."

I frowned as he ticked a nerve, "Don't you think I already know that it's unfair? God, Niall, why do you always have to be such overkill? I don't even want to think about going back and leaving Harry. I just want to live a normal life for once and not think about a photo shoot or something."

He bit his lip, looking away, "But that's not your life, Zayn. You don't have a normal life, and you have to accept that. You can't pretend to live in this... fantasy of yours. It's not real."

I rolled my bottom lip under my teeth, sucking on it, and knowing full well that he was right but not wanting to accept it, "I don't want to lose him again, Niall."

"Then you have to be honest with him."

He left the room as he allowed me to finish changing in privacy.

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