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Editing + some smut for y'all ;)

I clenched my fists and abruptly sat up from my bar stool, anger fueling me.

I made my way over to where Zayn and his friends were dancing, "Malik!"

The music was drowning my voice out so I made another attempt, much louder than the first, "MALIK!"

He continued dancing, so either Zayn was oblivious to my calls, or purposely ignoring me.

I walked closer and leaned over the counter, tugging at the bottom of his jeans a bit before nudging his leg.

His eyes opened and he looked down at me, a smile bursting onto his face, "Harry!"

I frowned in confusion because not just ten minutes ago this guy was yelling at me to fuck off, "Yup, it's me. Now c'mon let's go."

"Hey guys!" Zayn looked back up at everybody, laughing giddily, "It's harry! Harry's here!"

Everyone within a six foot radius cheered, and they were all clearly completely wasted as I was sure I didn't recognize a single face.

"C'mon harry! Join us!" Zayn encouraged, waving me up.

I sighed, "Zayn, I'm not gunna do that."

"Why not?" He frowned.

I shook my head, eyeing the way he was dancing and looking around at the pact crowd, "I'm just not gunna."


The man behind him slid his arm around his waist, "Leave him be baby, you've got us."

Zayn looked over at the man in a daze and my gaze narrowed in at his arm, my jaw clenching.

Fuck it.

I threw off my shirt and hopped up onto the table, pushing the man aside, and engulfing Zayn into my arms.

Zayn giggled into my chest, and my heart fluttered as he wrapped his arms around my neck and looked up at me, "See? It's fun isn't it?"

"Yeah." I grinned, "It is."

I could feel the beat of the song pounding through me, and I began swaying my hips, enjoying letting loose.

Zayn turned around and I pulled him close to my chest again, his butt pressing up against my crotch.

I hissed at the contact and curled around him dipping my head beside his ear, "Fuck you feel so good against me."

"You'd feel better if you were in me." He breathed, his head falling against my collarbone.

My erection tightened, and I groaned, grinding against him.

A small whimper escaped his lips, and as if my whole body caught on fire, I immediately began attacking his neck; leaving love bites scattered all across his beautiful bronze skin.

My hand trailed down his side and found their way to his waistband, teasing him a bit.

"Fuck." He panted, "Harry, I'm horny."

I grinned against his neck, "C'mon then."

I took his hand in mine and helped him off the counter, taking him into my arms and sending a smug smile towards the glowering men left on the table by themselves.

We made our way towards his car, and as I opened his back seat so that I could lay him there while I drove home, I was pushed inside.

I fell on to my stomach and quickly scrambled to turn around, locking gazes with Zayn who was straddling me with a look in his eyes that was shooting sparks through me.

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