Broken Lanterns

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December 4, 2017

We were like lanterns, going up into the stars. Now, as you go up, my lantern is getting dimmer and falling back down to the Earth.  Why is it when you give your whole heart and life to someone, you end up getting hurt? Did you even love me or was it all a ruse to get into my pants, and to get what you wanted? I loved you and now, every time I see you it hurts me. Now, you're just a stranger and I mean nothing to you. My heart is a broken lantern, broken to the point it can't even lift itself off of the ground. As of right now, I'm broken and no longer feel love. All I feel is sorrow and hatred to falling for you and your stupid charm. Maybe one day I'll be able to fix my broken lantern but for now, it will remain broken.

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