Part 1 - Predator and Prey

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it runs through your mind as you pull the black stockings up over your thighs. You can't stop your soft chuckle even as you're careful not to catch your navy colored nails on the delicate fabric. Hooking the stockings to your black lace garter, you pause briefly, considering whether or not you should add the matching panties or just go without. You smirk. You know just the person to ask.

With a wicked grin, you stand in front of the full length mirror and press a short sequence into the palm of your hand. Within a heartbeat, you feel your implants come online, with only the subvocal, subdermal communication device and corneal cameras remaining in standby.

Cybernetics had truly come into their own a decade ago and, as with all technology, only got smaller, faster, and better as time went on. With all new tech, civilian models are soon adopted and improved on by the criminal element, which end up being a step or two ahead of and better than the original models. Military tech is even better and more advanced. But nothing can beat the tech people like you sport. The spy game has always had the biggest, best and shiniest toys and cybernetics are no exception.

As a cybernetically enhanced human, or CYHN, you have a large number of advantages over a fully human field agent, the biggest being the nanites that float happily in your blood, groups of them programmed for different functions. From critical functions like poison neutralization all the way down to something as whimsical as changing your hair and eye color, the little passengers had changed the very nature of both the spy game and the agencies themselves. No longer used only in espionage between nations, CYHNs are now found in every branch of law enforcement.

As you run a quick systems check, you snicker once again at the ridiculous acronym. CYHN. Pronounced ‘sin’, you can’t help but wonder if they had Cypher agents like you in mind when they were coming up with the stupid thing or if the universe simply has a twisted sense of humor. Deciding that it most definitely has to be the latter due to the lack of humor that the governments of the world approach everything else with, you're alerted to the completion of your systems check in a transparent heads up display generated by your corneal implants.

You swiftly verify that the number of nanite trackers in your bloodstream are sufficient for your current assignment and that all other systems are running at optimal. It certainly wouldn't pay to walk into this unprepared. Speaking of unprepared...

You bring your com and cameras out of standby and gaze directly at your reflection in the mirror, trying to keep from giggling in devilish delight at what you imagine your handler’s reaction will be. It’s his own fault for not handing off the assignment to someone less prudish and you feel no sympathy whatsoever.

“Good morning, Cypher Seven. This is Agent Park Jimin and I will be your handler for this mission. For the next five days…”

You roll your eyes in impatience as his sweet, melodic voice drones on and you surmise that he’s reading your briefing directly and must not be looking at his camera feeds. Well that just won’t do at all, Agent Park Jimin.

“Agent Park,” you interrupt, tilting your head slightly as you look in the mirror, “I need your assistance.”

You allow your eyes, and thus his camera feeds, to drift slowly down your body, biting your lip suggestively as they sweep over the firm swell of your breasts, their peaks taut in the cool room. The voice on the other end goes completely silent and you struggle to hide your smirk of victory as you continue, your gaze caressing the soft, smooth skin of your abdomen before falling on the lace garter on your waist.

“Agent Park? What do you think?”

The coughing sputter on the other end of your com almost breaks through your calm facade, the urge to laugh out loud forcing you to bite the inside of your cheek to stay in control of this little game.

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