Just the way you are

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Summary: Liam deals with a lot of hate on twitter, which makes him insecure, Zayn is there for him, to show him he's beautified just the way he is



No one's POV

Liam looks at himself in the mirror, shirtless and only with his grey baggy sweats that are hanging low around his hips. A pout was on his face, he starts turning around, examining every part of his body.

"What are you even doing," Zayn says from his place on the bed. He had came home 20 minutes ago to his boyfriend having one of his "nervous breakdowns." Zayn has been in one of these situations before, and he knew that it was best to just leave Liam alone, but Liam was acting different today.

"Do you think I'm fat, Zayn? Because I was on Twitter and everyone thinks I'm fat, like, I could go harder in the gym. And I didn't have to eat that apple pie last night. Oh my God, Zayn, I'm so fat." Liam turns to Zayn for a split second, and then he starts to pace back and forth.

"Yeah, you could lose a few pounds, you are starting to look a bit chubby."

Liam stops pacing, and sends Zayn a long horrid death glare. Zayn couldn't hold it in any longer, he lets out a loud thunderous laugh.

Liam picks up the nearest thing (which was a pillow) and flings it at Zayn. "God damn it, Zayn, can you just be serious for once. Did it even occur to you that I wasn't joking, and that I was serious about it. I don't like my weight, okay? It's something I've always been insecure about. Growing up, I was always too skinny, and now I'm too fat. You didn't have to make me feel worse about it then I already do," Liam yells, before running out of the room just as the first tear falls.


When Liam was a little boy, he had this super cool action figure. It was limited edition, and his father worked extra hard to make sure that action figure was under the Christmas tree for his little boy. And when Liam opened that Christmas present, he smiled bigger than he ever had before. For the next few weeks, Liam was attached to that damn thing. Everywhere that Liam went he brought the toy with him. It didn't matter if he was at home, school, or even the grocery store, the action figure was always with him.

One day, when Liam's best friend was absent from recess, he decided to play with his action figure instead. Well, that was until a kid, who was much bigger than Liam, grabbed it from him. Liam screamed in protest, but that didn't stop the sneering older kid. Liam watched his action future's head get detached from the body in complete horror. The older kid dropped the two pieces in the dirt, and muttered a mocking, "oops."

Liam cried for days after that incident. Of course Liam's father had easily snapped the head back in place when Liam came home that afternoon, But that's not the point. Liam just didn't understand why people were so mean to each other for no reason. It was completely unnecessary for that kid to break his toy, because Liam never did anything to deserve that, But then again maybe he had.

Ever since that day, Liam was a bit more self conscious. He found ways to always blame himself for everything, like, 'maybe if I walked a bit faster that squirrel wouldn't have been ran over by that car,' or 'maybe if I drove a little slower that guy behind me wouldn't have gotten into a car accident.' His mind just automatically jumped to these conclusions; he couldn't help it. Zayn knew this, and that's why he felt incredibly bad for what he said to Liam earlier. He knew that his boyfriend would find some way to blame himself, even if his reasoning made no sense at all. Zayn needed to fix this.


Zayn finds his boyfriend sitting on the steps in front of their house with red eyes and puffy cheeks. His heart breaks.

"Babe," he says. "I'm sorry."

Liam wipes his eyes, before turning to look at Zayn. "No no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown a pillow at you."

Zayn chuckles,"Liam, it was just a pillow. It's not like you broke my nose or anything."

Liam just shrugs in reply. Zayn just continues, "You know, you don't have to apologize for everything, Li. Especially when you did nothing wrong. But I, on the contrary, made you cry, and I'm sorry," He pouts.

"It's okay," Liam insists, and looks at his feet.

"No it's not," Zayn sighs."Babe, you know I love you, right.?"

Liam nods, "of course."

"And you know that I love you just the way you are, right.?"

"Yeah, I guess," Liam looks down at his feet again.

"You're perfect, okay.? Everything about you is perfect. The birth mark on your neck, the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the way you get so excited over the smallest things, hell, even how you can't wink, like, that's so fucking cute. You're perfect to me; you're perfect for me. And I love you." Zayn doesn't give Liam the chance to reply as he continues. "You are not fat, okay.? I shouldn't have said what I said, it's just that you panic too much. You let everything people say get to your head, and you shouldn't. It's just me and you, right.?"

Liam just nods, at a loss for words.

"So fuck what they think. You know what I think of you. You know what I feel for you. So everyone else's opinions don't matter. It's just me and you."



"Yeah, okay. I love you, too, by the way."

"That was easier than I thought it'd be," Zayn chuckles. "Now let's go inside so that I can show you how much you mean to me." He smirks


well this is a bit short, this was written by my lovely friend aali :-)

hope you guys liked it!

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aha :-)

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