Chapter 1

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     My uncle Josh had gotten me tickets to a show on Raw. The third match was Kelly Kelly versus Eve. Halfway through the match, Eve did a backbreaker on Kelly & then Eve went for a pin. I jumped over the barrier & slid under the bottom rope & I pulled Eve off of Kelly Kelly then I did a RKO on her. Then I turned to Kelly kelly & she had a shocked expression on her face. "Go pin her!" Kelly Kelly crawled over to Eve & pinned her, 1...2...3! Kelly rolls off of Eve & just lays there. "Are you okay?" I ask, helping her off the ring canvas.

     "Yeah, I'm okay. How did you do that?" Kelly was still holding her head. Before I could answer, security came & grabbed me. "Hold on," Kelly told them so they let me go.

     "I've ben watching wrestling for 5 years straight."

     "Cool," Kelly said.

      We were headed into the backstage area when Kelly asked me if I wanted to be a diva wrestler.

     "Of course i do. I have for 4 and a half years."

     Before Kelly could say anything, Alicia Fox came running towards us. Once she reached us, she tried to do a Watch Yo Face, but I did a Short-arm Clothesline. Then Kelly picked Alicia up off the ground & did a K2. Then we both looked up & saw John Laurinaitis. "Aren't you the girl that jumped over the barrier & did a RKO on Eve?"

     "Yes sir, I'm so sorry I did that. I just got so bad that Eve was about to win that I couldn't help myself-"

     "It's okay, I just had a question," John said, smiling.

     "Yes?" both me & Kelly said at the same time.

     "Would you like to train to be a WWE diva?"

     My eyes brightened up & I started gasping as I tried to say yes. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

     "Great, your trainer can be Kelly Kelly."

     "Awesome, thanks so much," I said jumping up & down.

     "No problem.Now remember, I'm offering this training because of what you did to Eve & Alicia," John said walking away.


     "Jean, Jean Wakefield," I said, still smiling.

     "Well then, congratulations Jean," Kelly said then she turned & headed towards the divas' locker room. I headed out to the arena to go invite uncle Josh & mom backstage. Once we got backstage, we ran into Beth Pheonix. Beth looked happy.

     "Congratulations Jean for becoming one of us."

     "Thanks Beth. This is my uncle, Josh & my mom, Samantha," I said, motioning towards my relatives behind me.

     "Cool, did they see you beat up Eve?"

     "Yeah, we had front row seats, that's how I got Eve so quickly," I said. Beth Pheonix smiled at me & nodded her head as to say good-bye. After that mom & Josh went back out to watch the rest of Raw while I headed to the locker room. As I was about to open the door, Vickie Guerrero swung the door open. When the door swung open, it hit me right in the face.

     I fell backwards onto the floor & Vickie started yelling for the medical people. After the medical people were taking care of me for a few seconds, Kelly walked out. Once she saw that I was hurt, she started crying. I couldn't believe that Kelly was crying because of me.

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