Chapter. 2

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Chapter. 2

''Good morning class! Today you will be reading Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Yo will work in pairs. Your partner for the rest of the year is the person to your left. There will be projects related to the novel later on. But now you will just read it. I expect you to finish at least two chapters by the end of the class.'' says Mrs. Austin.

UGH... I hate romance novels. They're just so boring and predictable. And why do we have to read Romeo and Juliet specifically? I can't pronounce any of Shakespeare's work, let alone understand it. And h- wait, what? What did she just say? She said that our partner will be the person to our left. Does that mean that I'll be working with-

'' hi!''


Holy shit!

Tiana is my partner.

My partner is TIANA!


Double holy shit!

''hey.'' says the same voice again.

I turn to my left to see Tiana staring at me confusingly. ''Are you okay?'' she asks when I don't reply again. Oh God, I feel like fainting right now.

''Uh, hey, y-yeah. Um. I mean I-I'm okay. How are you?''

How are you? How are you! That's what I came up with?! God, how I wish to disappear right now!

''I'm fine thank you...'' she drawls unsurely. I am certain that she's wondering about my mental health right now.

''That's good to hear. Yeah.'' I answer stupidly.

We are silent for a few seconds til' she breaks it.

''So are we going to read the novel or what?'' she asks.

''Huh, yeah, sure.'' I reply.

She stands up and drags her chair near mine and sits down again. My heart is doing somersaults in my chest. I am afraid that she would hear it.

''I'm Tiana.'' she introduces herself.

''I know.'' I blurt. Stupid, stupid Kevin. '' ummm. I mean I know you, wait, I don't really know you, what I meant is that I know your name. So, yeah. Nice to meet you.'' stupid, stupid, stupid Kevin. I wonder when did I get the talent to become a stuttering mess and embarrass myself like that.

If I keep embarrassing myself like that, I'm sure I will scare her away.

''Nice to meet you too, Kevin.'' she says wearily, probably weirded out, and waiting for me to throw a crazy fit right then and there. ''alright... mm.. let's start.''

And so we start. We read from the damned novel during the whole period. But I'm not actually concentrating. How can I focus when the girl I'm in love with is sitting right next to me. Jeez, I barely control myself from touching her to see if she's real and she's indeed sitting next to me in flesh.

Well, that would be quite a scene. Me patting Tiana's face while staring dreamily at her. Oh, how funny.


OK focus, Kevin. FOCUS.

As soon as the bell rings, I let out a relieved sigh. Being near Tiana is amazing and all. But it was absolutely nerve wrecking-

''bye, Kevin.'' she says as she leaves the room.

-and absolutely worth it.

A grin takes over my face.


When I go home, I draw yet another portrait of her. Oh I forgot to tell you that I can draw. But I only like to sketch her. Of course I had sketched other people like my little cousin and my best friend. But I only find excitement when I sketch her. I feel like I lose myself the moment I grab the pencil and sketch her. And me being the obsessed psycho that I am. I didn't stop there. I even made an instagram art account where I post all my drawings of her, since I sketch only her.

I capture the new sketch that I finished today, feeling happy to finally finish it. With the schools work and the loads of assignments and work that I have to do. I barely find time to draw.

It was a photo that she had uploaded earlier, the sketch that I drew that is. Her back was to the camera and she was looking over her shoulder, a hand on the top of the cowboy hat that she was wearing, her head thrown back indicating that she was laughing at that moment. She looks simply, utterly, and devastatingly beautiful.

My phone instantly beeps with likes as soon as I upload the photo and I smile proudly at my work, this sketch is so far my favorite one.

If only she knew.

At night, I'm sitting lying on my bed, scrolling through my feedback, when my phone rings. I laugh when I see Jacob's drooling face shining through the screen. He was drooling while he was sleeping. I couldn't miss the chance to embarrass him with it later.

I hit the green button and greet him, ''Hey, Jacob.''

''Hey, stalker. Still a stalker?'' he cracked up at his own joke, while I merely roll my eyes.

Yes. ''No, jerk. I wasn't a stalker before and I am NOT a stalker now.''

''oh? So what do you call sketching every single damn photo that she uploads. If it's not stalking I don't know what it is.'' when I don't reply he continuous. ''Y seem to keep forgetting that I'm following your oh so popular Tiana west's fan page.''

''It's not a freaking fan page. It's an ordinary art account. A person doesn't need to be a celebrity to be drawn.'' I say through clenched teeth. moving the phone away from my ear I put it on the speaker mode, then I open my instagram account and blocked Jacob's account. Here, you Jacob Studler has just lost a follower and a proof.

''You seem to keep forgetting that I have the perfect capability to simply block you.'' I say smugly.

He hissed through the phone.''damn it.''

I chuckle at this. Jacob has always been a sucker for followers. And this also ruined his plan to hold the pictures over my head and threaten me with them.

A while ago, Jacob was trying to beat my score at subway surfer. He can't just take it when I beat him at his favorite game. His ego is way bigger for him to let it go. While he was playing, my phone dinged with a new comment. It was from one of my fans on a recent sketch that I had uploaded.

'' So why did you call?'' I ask.

''I'm coming this weekend.''

'' Coming where?''

'' To see you, duh.''

'' what about college?.'' I ask.

''Took a vacation.'' he replies.

''How long are you going to stay?'' I ask again.

''God! What's with the twenty questions. For a week by the way.''

I groan, '' Oh God! I have to tolerate you for a whole week!''

'' Oh, shut up. You know you love me.'' he replied. '' but that doesn't mean that I'm sparing your life when I arrive. I promise you Kevin I will find one of your drawings and ill hold it over your head and in no time you will become my little bitch.'' he sings but there is a hint of seriousness in his voice.

He's really out for my blood. Gulp. Well gotta find a place to hide these portraits.

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