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The week passes by in a blur, with me staring at Tiana while we're in class.

I manage to compose myself a little around her. But her presence still makes me kind of nervous.

Saturday rolls by. And I am waiting for my -unfortunately- best friend, the one and only. Jacob Studler.

The door bell rings and the housekeeper opens. Yeah, we have a housekeeper. I guess you pretty much figured out that we're well off. My mum being a famous sergeon, and my dad being a successful lawyer we have it easy me and my older brother, who is travelling around the world finding himself or something like that -his words not mine.

Not to sound like an ungrateful brat or anything, but seriously, sometimes I with that we were a regular middle class family. Just me, my mom, dad, and bennet and enough money to keep us going. Like the old days. My parent were highshool sweethearts. My mom was with my dad when he started from the zero and so was he. When I was young and my parents were just normal workers, we were all very close, jacob included. He was like my broyher from another mother. He was basically living with us. With having family issues and leaving the house every other day, he rarely slept at his own home. My parents loved him as their own, esspecially mum- if not more.

That was before my parents got known, and bennet started having his own world. We started falling apart. Then jacob went to college and was left here. I am not complaining, I mean, I can use a break from jacob's constant teasing, bennet's annoying behaviour, and moms complaints about our foul language.

But it sometimes gets lonely, not having anyone in the house except, maria -the housekeeper-, and jordan -the cook.

Anyway, back to the time being.

Jacob strolls in through the double doors wearing his usual big fat grin.

''hey, kevin. I missed you.'' he cries, throwing himself at me.

I look at him flatly. Trust jacob to be a drama queen.

He and merinda would make the perfect couple.  I thought jokingly and alomost snicker at my own joke but I manage to keep my blank face on.

When he sees my expression he pulls away completely and rolls his eyes, ''geez, I can feel the love.'' he says sarcastically.

I let my blank face drop and smile at him, ''hey, man.'' I give him a hug and bat him on the back. His grins returns, wider than before, while he hugs me back.

'' how have you been, kevie?''

I roll my eyes, ''don't call me that'' I mutter at the silly nickname he gave me when we were still kids.

He merely laughs, his eyes bright. ''how have you been?'' i'm the one who asks this time.

'' I'm awesome as always.'' he replies instantly.

I take a good look at him, he looks the same as he left. Tanner and with slightly longer hair. But otherwise he still the same jacob.

Jacob is okay. I mean, most girls see him as a catch with his dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. But he isn't one for commitment neither is he a player even though he has his rare flings here and there.

As I said before he's not a relationship kind of a guy, and he's explanation is that he's waiting for ''the one'' or some crap like that. I don't really blame him for not being too keen to get involved in a relationship. Some girls can get pretty clingy.

I grimace at the sour memory. Remember the girl that I payed to convince jacob that I've moved on to prevent him from exposing the truth to tiana? Yeah, that's her.

Apparently, she fell in love with me and got super attached. I tired to tell her that it was all fake. But she kept saying that I just  haven't figured out my feelings yet and in denial. I tried thousands of time to convince her that I have no feelings for her and I am certainly not in denial -thank you very much-. Eventually I succeeded in getting her off my back but before she left she said and I quote, ''when yo  sort your feelings out and realize you're crazy for me you know where to find me'' -self centered, much?''.

Obviously I couldn't keep my mouth shut and and told jacob and I wish I didn't. He laughed so hard he was rolling on the floor and he claimed that it was my ''punishment'' for lying to him. I scoffed at the time but being the scared coward that I am I never lied to him except when he bugs about tiana.

'' have you told her, yet?'' he asks not really having to clarify who is ''her''.

'' I don't have to, you know I am over her.''  I say a little bit too confidently.

Liar. My conscious whispers.

'' tsk tsk. It's not good to lie to me now, kevie. Remember the what happened the last time you did?'' he brings back the horrible memories like the douchebag he is.

'' stop bringing it up!''

he laughs and says, '' never, and oh, when you learn how to tell the truth, you know where to find me'' he then turns and makes a show of swaying his hips and strutting up the stairs to his room.

I watch him until he disappears up the stairs.

I  sigh. He has just gotten here and the teasing had already started. I don't know how I am gonna keep the drawings hidden from his ugly claws. He thinks I've stopped drawing her. But I still gotta take my chances and try to hide them somewhere safe and wish that he doesn't find them but I know for a fact that jacob is a big snooper so I think I might take them to school with me for a while until he gives us snooping around my room.

God, how do I tolerate him?!


I head to the game room knowing that jacob would head straightly there due to his unhealthy obsession to ''call of duty'', but who am I to talk about unhealthy obsessions?

He enters the room and we play a lot of COD with him winning every damn time eventually I get sick of it and force him to play another game with me wishing I could slap that stupid smug smirk of his face.

We catch up until it hits 02:00 o'clock and we decide to call it a night, and we both part ways and go to our rooms.

I brush my teeth, change into a comfy pair of sweatpants and snuggle into the sheets – for whoever says that guys don't snuggle, we actually love to snuggle thank you very much-, just as I am about to doze off my phone buzzes with the incoming of a new notification. I try to ignore it and sleep but it does it again.

Curiosity gets the best of me making me reach my hand to grab the phone and click it open. I see that it's an instagram message request. I open it and freeze when I see the user name. Suddenly my heart beat is going way faster than normal and I start to panic.

Crap. Crap. Crap

No, this can't be happening!

How did she find it?!

I am screwed, totally and utterly screwed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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