Chapter Six

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Eight o'clock rolled around and I waited anxiously for the knock on my door. I had slid a pocket knife onto one of my belt loops on my jeans. If they were going to come for me, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. Finally, there was a light knock at my door. I opened it to reveal Zayn dressed in all black clothing.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he looked down at me.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I sighed. I was ready for this. Ready to get my answers and expose Harry for the lying sack of shit he was. Zayn and I slid into his car and pulled out, driving to wherever that damn meeting was being held.

"I really can't believe I got caught up in his web of lies. It's insane how someone can be so fake, so psychotic. You should have seen the way he freaked out when I suggested that maybe he was overreacting about his ex. He started screaming and bringing up things that were super irrelevant to the situation. Maybe he reacted like that because he thought I was exposing him and all of his wild lies. I did a lot of research on that girl and I found nothing. No death record, no news story. And he told me it was all over the news for a while after she had died," I explained.

"Liars do act out when they're caught in the act. I'm really glad you took note of his actions, even the ones that seemed to be really little and insignificant. Those little, seemingly unimportant bits of information may contribute to the story," he pointed out.

We arrived to what looked to be an old church. There were lots of cars and many people walking into the church. Zayn parked very close to the road, being careful to not blow our cover. He reached into the backseat and pulled out two robes and two triangle shaped hoods.

"This is the best I could do. They look authentic, but just don't bring too much attention to yourself," he said, handing me my robe and hood. I pulled my hair up into a high bun so it would sit in the high length of the hood.

"This is the dumbest thing I've ever done in my entire life, I hope you're grateful," Zayn said laughing, pulling his robe over his body and then his hood. I did the same.

"I am very grateful."

We both got out of the car, walking slowly towards the old church. Numerous old men were sprawled out in groups of maybe five, talking and laughing about there day. How is this so casual for them? Zayn and I continued towards the church, making our way inside and seating ourselves at the very last pew. Over the coarse of about twenty minutes, more and more men began to come inside and seat themselves. Zayn and I kept a close eye on the door, looking for any trace of Harry.
   "Zayn, is that Liam?" I whispered in his ear, motioning towards the door. Zayn's head snapped around quickly and he gasped. There was Liam, walking in shaking an elderly man's hand.
   "I'm so shocked that he's here. Why is he here?" Zayn said with worry.

"I told you he would come."

"I can't believe he's here. What the hell is he doing here? He better be here for the same reason we are or he's never getting in my bed again," Zayn hissed. I chuckled, straightening my posture to look around the room.

"On a more important note, do you see Harry anywhere?" I asked. We both carefully scanned the room. About fifty men were in the church at that point, helping themselves to refreshments and making small talk.

"If I didn't know this was a KKK meeting, I'd be damn shocked to find out. These people seem so civil," Zayn said, keeping his eye out for Harry.

"I don't see him anywhere. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. Maybe we were wrong about Harry. We should stay for a few more minutes and then head out before this thing starts, just in case he decides to show up," I responded. Harry was nowhere in sight, and I felt kind of guilty to be here searching for him. Maybe he was holding the hood for a friend, or maybe it wasn't even his and someone left it there as a cruel joke.

"Yeah, we should leave before this thing gets started," Zayn said, standing up to fix his pants. As we turned for the door, the sound of a gavel smacking against wood rang through the church.

"Alright everyone, let's take our seats," said a voice all too familiar. I couldn't bare to turn and see his face. I was in utter shock and disbelief as I shuffled my way back to the pew and sat as close to the wall as I could.

"I can't look up," I whispered to Zayn as he scooted next to me.

"You're not going to believe what you see when you look up. It's worse than we though," Zayn muttered.

"It can't get much worse than him being a member of the KKK Zayn." Zayn gulped next to me and I saw his head look up from his knees.

"But it can if he's the leader." My head snapped up quickly, and my jaw dropped to the floor at what was before my eyes. Harry, adorned in a red robe stood before all of the members, holding the gavel that smacked against the wood to gather our attention.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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