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"Hey fuckers," Tyler greeted as he sat down at the table in the library which the group usually hung out in the morning. Their routine would include a lot of coffee, bickering and gossip, mostly about Brock and Brian on Marcel's behalf.

The library was buzzing with kids at the computers, typing loudly as they rushed essays and projects. Chatter, while quiet in most of the groups besides a few louder one's there, when put together was loud. John let out a sigh as he died in the game that he currently was playing on his phone. His eyes drifted up towards Tyler who was dropping his bag onto the ground as he began to pull out the chair, placing some of his items on the table as well.

"Fuck you too then." John said and Marcel laughed as Tyler flipped him off.

"Don't be mean just because you're having a gay crisis." Marcel's laughter increased and he buckled over, and John wondered how much sleep he got last night.

"Fucking piece of shit." John muttered, reaching over to steal Tyler's coffee and as he grabbed it, a squawk-like sound escaped from the tall boy's mouth.

"I need that you bitch." Tyler almost yelled as he leaned over the table, trying to take his caffeinated beverage back but John was quick to pull it away.

"Suck my small dick." John stuck out his tongue and as he glared at Tyler (with as much energy as he could), he could hear Marcel's laughter that had calmed seconds ago start up again.

"You wish I would." Tyler returned the glare as he finally loomed over the table enough that he was able to grab his coffee back from the brunette.

"Can the both of you shut up? It's way too early for this shit." A new, but familiar voice interrupted the two and the boys turned their head to see Craig standing there, arms crossed against his chest as he glared at the two with what he could muster from his tiredness. Why was everyone so tired today?

John and Tyler muttered a sorry before looking at each other, the taller one taking a sip of his coffee before sticking his tongue out in victory. John, while he loved Tyler to death, enjoyed their little arguments they would have almost every morning (which were always harmless and while they may insult each other, they had faith in the other that they'd never say anything that would actually hurt them.) Marcel would usually stay out of it seeing as though he got the least amount of sleep, but when he did join with any energy, John and Tyler were usually fucked since Marcel was the most cunning of the three. Craig sometimes joined them in the morning, though he usually would be hanging out with some of his other friends (who they were, John could not tell you) but when he did, he'd usually show up with a similar glare as he has now and always a new way of asking them, overall, to shut the fuck up. Once Craig left again to join the others , Tyler would always gush over how "fucking hot" he was when he was pissed off.

"Anyways, today's Friday and I was wondering if you guys wanted to do something after school with some actor friends of mine?" Craig asked as he looked around the three, noticing the three of them held similar expressions.

"You guys are hopeless." Craig's tone was similar to one of a disappointed mother and John shook his head, glancing towards Marcel when he thought of one of the guys that Marcel liked.

"I'd be up for it, as long as we aren't doing anything excruciating." Tyler's words pleased Craig and the blue-haired boy smiled, looking towards his boyfriend with soft eyes before letting the cold look return as he faced the other two.

"Who's going?" Was Marcel's question and John was thankful that he asked, especially since Craig didn't know about John's major crush and the question would seem way more confusing if John asked.

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