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warning there is a panic attack near the middle of this chapter id say so if you are sensitive/cant read that stuff in general please be warned!! it isnt too described but i still want to give a warning in case <3

anywho this took long enough SMH, but school is almost done so god bless oml. i would say ill try to write more this summer but im working just about every day so ;; anyways please enjoy this chapter!!


John checked the weather that Thursday morning and noticed that even though summer was coming to an end, it was unusually cold. While earlier that week, each day had reached a high of at least low 80's, that Thursday was supposed to reach the mid 60's. John had, of course, checked the weather after Craig picked him up from his house. He had worn skinny jeans and some t-shirt he owned, so it wasn't too bad but he was still somewhat cold. While on the ride to school, with Craig and Marcel who loudly sang the lyrics to some 2000's song the driver had put on, his phone vibrated from his pocket.

cute boyy <3 6:42 am

Okay i have a genuine quesiton

myself 6:42 am

whts up??

cute boyy <3 6:43 am

How the FUCK do you play minesweeper like actually play???

cute boyy <3 6:43 am

Like what the fuck!!! SHOW ME HOW THE FUCK TO PLAY WHAT ARE THE FLAGS FOR??? Why are there some 3s and 1s adn 2s and im expecting a 638 to show up soon tbh

myself 6:43 am

smh minesweeper is for the intellectuals

cute boyy <3 6:43 am

How the fuck you playing then

myself 6:44 am


myself 6:44 am

looks like u arent getting a damn tutorial from ME

cute boyy <3 6:44 am

Im sorryyyy johnny

The trio arrived at school and John wanted to slam his face into the wall since he was blushing so much. Why the fuck was he blushing so much? It was a stupid nickname that people called him on the daily (usually in a teasing manner and by his friends, so his crush saying it with no prompting was a major leap!!) As Craig found a parking spot and the three exited, the blue haired boy noticed John's face and a smirk fell on the lips of the driver.

"What's got you red as hell?" Craig asked as the trio began to walk to the front doors of their school and the brunette shook his head.

"Just not feeling well." John lied and Craig gave him a knowing look before saying, "sounds fake but okay." And John was thankful that his friend didn't try to push the question.

Who knew how John would've been able to explain everything? How could he even phrase it so it seemed like the reason for blushing was actually excusable and not because of some dumb nickname he's heard so many times before but it was different since it came from Lucas. His phone beeped again and as him and Marcel parted ways with Craig, he checked his device to see another text from Lucas.

cute boyy <3 6:50 am

Johnnnn did you die on mE

cute boyy <3 6:50 am

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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