America trip part 3

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Kai's POV

"Yooin,Yooin!"I shook Yooin and she woke up sleepily.She rubbed her eyes."We have reached.

"So fast?"She asked me while rubbing her eyes."Yeah."I answered.She got up and I held her hand.It was so cold.

"Are you cold Yooin?"I asked her.

" A little."She said.

"I'll be fine after this."She said.I nodded my head and We got down the bus."Jongin!"Chanyeol hyung and Sehun ran to me and hit me on the back."OUCH!HYUNG!OH SEHUN!"I shouted at them while rubbing my back."Haha."Yooin was laughing at me."Don't laugh Babe."I said and kissed her cheeks.

"Arasso."She said while trying to hold in her laughter.I glared at Chanyeol hyung and Sehun.They just ran away."AHAHAHA!"Yooin burst out laughing."Yooin!"I shouted at her and pouted."Arasso.Don't be angry baby."She said and kissed my cheeks."I'm not.Who says i am?"I asked.

"Your face says it."She said while pointing at my face.I held her hand and brought her closer to me.

"YAH!"She shouted and hit me lightly on the chest.

"Your face is red."I said while smiling sheepishly.She smiled slightly.

"Get a room!Both of you!"Chanyeol hyung and Sehun said while covering their eyes.

"Don't tell me the both of you didn't do this to your girlfriend too."I asked while holding Yooin's hand.

"Yeah right."Chanyeol hyung said.

"PARK CHANYEOL.DIDN'T YOU DO THAT TO ME DURING OUR OUTING THAT DAY?STILL SAY NO,HUH?"Hyunmin shouted at him and pulled his elf like ears.

"Ahhhh.Babe.It hurts!"Chanyeol hyung shouted.Hyunmin let go of his ear and she folded her arms and pouted.

"Of course i did babe."He said and backhugged Hyunmin.

"OKAY!ENOUGH OF THIS HYUNGS!"Sehun shouted.Jieun walked to him and pecked his cheeks.

"Jealous of them huh?You have me."Jieun said.We giggled.

"Okay group 1,please come here."Ms Jung said.We walked to her and she gave us our room keys.

"Chanyeol,Jongin,Sehun and Luhan would share one room.Yooin,Jieun and Hyunmin would share one room.Go to your room and get ready by 7.30pm.I looked at my watch.It was 6pm.Ms Jung gave us 1 and a half hour to get ready.We went up and got into our hotel room.Our rooms were beside each other.

"See you later."I winked to Yooin and went in the room.

Nobody's POV

"Urgh I'm so tired."You complained and lie down on the bed.

"Who wants to bath first?"Jieun asked.

"ME!ME!"Hyunmin said and rushed to the bathroom after taking out her things.

"Wow..the scenery is awesome."Jieun said.Nobody replied her.She turned back and saw you sleeping.She smiled.After all of them bathed,you was still sleeping.

"Yooin,wake up."Hyunmin shook you.

You woke up and rubbed your eyes.You walked lazily to the bathroom.You washed your face.

When you exited the room,Jieun and Hyunmin scare you.

Your POV

"BOO!"They shouted.

"YAH!"I shouted at them and hit them.

"MIAN MIAN."They said.I laughed at them and walked to my bed to pack my stuffs.

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