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The knife edged closer to my skin and I leaned back in the chair, tugging at the restraints.

"I will ask you one more time." Said a man from the shadows , a deep Russian accent slurring his words. "WHO SENT YOU?" Despite my situation, I smiled, giving a harsh laugh, noting how weary my voice sounded from the lack of use. A trickle of blood made it's way down my neck.

"Screw off Beef Jerky!" I said to the stupid looking guy holding the knife to my throat. I made a mental note to think of a better name for the future.I mean, Beef Jerky? Come on, I could do better than that. 

        The man only flexed his muscles threateningly and gave me a 'I'm going to kill your entire family with a pick-ax'  look. Yah Yah, bring it on...umm...Hulk? I think I'm losing my touch. 

"I WILL NOT ASKING AGAIN" The guy in the corner, hiding his face yelled. 

"Okay okay I'll tell you." I said. "But ya have to come closer. It's a secret." To my surprise there was a movement in the corner and the guy stepped out, a black mask over his face. He was tall, fairly skinny yet muscular with long brown hair spilling past where the mask ended. He wore a white collared shirt, unbuttoned t reveal dozens of tattoos. 

"What is it..." He asked . "Who sent you here?!" 

"Ohhhh" I said mocking shock in my voice. "You wanted me to tell you that?" I leaned back a smirk crossing my face. 

"I was just going to tell you that your English sucks." SMACK. My head whirled around and I tasted blood. I personally thought it was still worth


"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU WORKING FOR!" The man yelled again. Okay...maybe his English was improving. I looked around the cement walls of the room that was defiantly lacking decor.

"Hmm sorry buddy... I don't know." I laughed. "My memory seems to be a little fuzzy..."

"Memory" He laughed. "What a fragile thing." I squirmed trying to get away from the Beef Jerky dude who had grabbed me. The guy with the mask leaned closer to me and grabbed my arm.

"Maybe we should see what happens when you don't remember..." He said. 

"Yah ok sure buddy you do that." I smiled. 

"Oh I will bitch" He laughed "Then we will see who is laughing."

"I think your the one who's laughing" I said "So that would mean that this would all be in my fa..." 

A throbbing was sudden in my skull and stars dancing in my vision, the chair I was tied to tipped over, sending my onto my face. Black edged into my vision. 

'Danm it.' I thought 'I didn't even get to think of a good nickname for Mask Man.' And then I fell into the darkness.

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