Skipping Class

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It’s been a few days since I talked to Troye in homeroom, and ever since it’s been as if I never existed, the way it was before. My classes are all easy, and I’ve been spending my lunch period outside on the bleachers, drawing. This was exactly what I was doing when I was approached by the second component of the plan, although I didn’t know there was a plan during that very moment.

I was sitting in the stands, my legs crowded together in the small amount of space between benches. My sketchbook balanced precariously on my knees, as I drew the scene before me. The expanse of turf stretching in front of me was crowded with football players practicing plays, although I had no interest in the boys. The cheerleaders hollered and clapped at the bottom of the bleachers, assembling a wobbly pyramid, but they didn’t intrigue me either. I was drawing the view beyond that- Grand Rapids. At the very top row of the bleachers, you can see almost the entire town, all the dilapidated houses, the newer gated neighborhoods with the Victorian mansions, the few concrete buildings home to financial support companies and the pepper-pot roof of the village hall.

When I was clambering up the metal stairs to my perch here, I had noticed the two boys huddled near the fence, but had paid them no heed. Halfway into the period, they had shifted, climbing up the stands to sit next to me. Now, I noticed them, sitting two benches down from me, talking and laughing loudly.

I recognized the first one immediately- the brilliant purple hair would be distinguishable anywhere, seeing as the citizens of Grand Rapids would rather die than be caught dead with hair like that, besides the one and only Tyler Oakley. The second boy didn’t ring any bells to me- he had a thick quiff, much like Tyler’s, only it was sandy blonde. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were from here, but I could tell they were light. His smile was near blinding white, and he wore a band t-shirt that fit tightly over his chest.  

“Hello!” Tyler beamed, looking, as always, incredibly happy.

“Hi.” I said, keeping my voice down a little, trying to avoid being awkward, something that plagued me.

“I’m Tyler, and this is Connor.” He gestured to the boy beside him. “Who are you?”

“I’m Ember Tiegan.” I introduced myself, going to shut my sketchbook because the boys didn’t look like they were about to leave.

“What are you doing up here, all alone?” Tyler inquires, a quiet look on his face. Both boys, I’m sure by now, have realized that I am a loser, with no friends. They aren’t the only ones to approach me in an attempt to make friends, many people come up to me with the intention of making a new acquaintance. Of course, it only ever takes a few minutes before they realize that I am chronically anti-social and administer solicitous awkward silences wherever I can in a conversation to avoid another one in the future.

"I'm just drawing." I answer, not pushing to continue speaking any more.

We sit there awkwardly, until Tyler's phone buzzes on the bleacher next to him, sending loud vibrations echoing around us. He picks it up, mumbling something to Connor about meeting up with 'Tan and Jim'.

"Alright Ember, it's been nice chatting with you, but we have to go meet up with some friends at Starbucks in a couple minutes." Tyler interjects, as they stand up and brush themselves off.

I raise an eyebrow, checking my watch. “Skipping class, are we?”

Tyler’s smirk is evident. “Yeah, we are. Don’t act like you haven’t done it before.”

“Actually, I haven’t.”

Connor rolls his eyes. “Everyone skips class. It’s a high school classic. Unless you’re some perfectionist with a four-point something GPA that you can’t afford to lose.”

“Me, a perfectionist?” I scoff. There’s no way I’m a perfectionist. “I’m not a perfectioni-”

“Well prove it then.” Connor demands, and I narrow my eyes, feeling annoyance build up in my stomach.

“I don’t have to prove anything to you.”

“Look, all I’m saying is come to Starbucks with us. Make some friends, have some good coffee, live a little.”

I roll my eyes, but before I can say anything Tyler says, “Look, we really have to go. We’re going to be late. The offer still stands.” Both boys eye me nervously, waiting for the verdict.

“Whatever. I’ll come, just to make you two happy.” I say, sounding annoyed, but I flash them a smile so they know that it doesn’t really bother me.

Grabbing my bag, I stand up, and we head towards the parking lot.

“We’re off, we’re off, off to work we go.” Tyler sings softly, and I can’t help but laugh. To Starbucks, we go. 


She met Tyler, guys! Isn't this exciting? And I couldn't leave Connor out, so he's in here a little bit too. What do you think's going to happen at Starbucks with Tanya and Jim? Comment! :) Also this chappie isn't edited so any corrections are appreciated, as is any fedback on the chapter maybe? 

Elle xx

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