1471-Malmsey and Marriage-Part Two

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A/N:Oh cool people are reading awesome!! Welp, on with the story! -O

"My lady?" Anne turned to see her servant and lady-in-waiting, Mary Abbot. Anne was sitting by the window and in a bored tone she replied,

"Yes?" Mary was anxious to tell her, and was fidgeting with her necklace.

"My lady-" Mary drawed out the news. She then took a deep breath and continued.

"The Duke of Clarence wishes you to join him and the Duchess of Clarence in the grand hall." Why was Mary so scared about telling her that? It was just a simple dinner?

Wasn't it?


As Anne walked into the grand hall, a wonderful incense of roasted meats, wine, and other foods and beverages. Sure enough, there was an entire feast! So much for three-

Over twenty people sat at the table, including George, Isabelle, the King and Queen and-


Rather awkwardly, whilst everyone was staring at her, Anne took her seat at the table. As roasted beef, pheasant, greens, and wine was passed around, the King decided to make conversation with his second sister-in-law.

"Dowager Princess Anne?" Anne was picking at her food with her fork, but looked up to the King slightly, barely making eye contact.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" She replied quietly, her voice scarcely above a whisper. Edward furrowed his brow, and was worried but continued on.

"How is your time here at-" George cut his brother off.

"She has adjusted very well, and her time for grieving is almost over. She is very happy, right Anne?" George gave her a seething glare, as if to tell her; don't.

"Yes.Very happy." Of course Anne did not notice Richard staring at her this entire time, no; she did not see how he looked at her. Richard saw everything, from the tears building up in her eyes, to how nervous she was being here, to how much she hated George in particular. Anne suddenly snapped her gaze over to Richard, and in a moment of flustered adolescent hormones, he darted his eyes away. Quite possibly dying on the inside.

So the dinner went on, conversations mainly consisted of the current war, how ANNE was doing, how many children the King had, Anne's loss, how Richard was to become the Duke of Gloucester, Anne-

When will this end?


Meet me in the garden


Anne took a deep breath, and read the note over and over; before taking out a quill, dipping it in ink and writing a reply on the other side of the parchment.

I'll be there


She handed the note to Mary, who stuffed it into her apron to conceal it.

"Go!" Anne whispered, motioning with her hand for Mary to practically run.

Mary came back a bit later, panting from running so fast. Anne knew that her lungs were asthmatic. A term defining a person who emits a wheezing or panting sound after activity, their lungs or airways constricted.

"Sit down for a moment, by the window." Mary obliged and sat down in Anne's chair. Breathing in clean air, taking in as much as she could. Within a matter of minutes, Mary's breathing was better.

"My lady-George,Duke Of Clarence wishes to speak to you privately in his quarters." Anne felt a shiver go down her spine.

"H-his private quarters?!" Anne asked, panic bolting through her body. Mary sighed and replied,

"Yes,My Lady."


A soft knock came to George's door.

"Enter." He watched as Anne stepped into the room, she kept one foot in the door.

"Come forward Anne." George said, beckoning her. Anne slowly approached him, ready to do-something.

"Seeing that now your year of grief is over, and you seem perfectly alright without a husband; I've decided to send you to Aldrich Abbey, a convent seems the right thing for you." After George told her of this change, he smiled wickedly. Anne wanted to scream, to run up and murder him. He was to send her to a convent, to never see her family and friends again.

"Geo-" She began to protest but then suddenly the Duke Of Clarence stood up and slammed his hands onto the wood of his desk.

"I do not care that you have been crowned a princess, I wouldn't care if you were the Queen. You will do what I say or-it is your head that sits on Traitor's Gate. Am I understood?" Anne backed away, then softly replied.



She needed to find Richard. George sent Anne back to her chambers, and she was told to remain there until he collected her in the morning to send her off to Aldrich Abbey, where she would become a nun and live out the rest of her days in misery. She had to find the Duke of Gloucester. So she crept out of her room, a silent step as she went forward through the empty dark halls. The sun had set a while ago, so George and Isabelle would be sleeping. A door opened, a stream of light hitting the wall opposite it. Anne raced to the door that led outside, only to find it locked. She turned, finding the kitchens unlocked. She could get to the gardens through there.

Past the spits, pots, pans, food stocks and though the door.She had done it.She had escaped! Anne leaned against the brick walls of George's estate, pausing and taking breaths of relief. She continued on, lifting the lamp she had found next to the garden door above her head. A figure was cloaked in darkness before. The person started towards her, walking fast to her.

"Get away! Who are you?!" Anne asked in a panic. The figure stopped and her panic was swept aside for a moment.

"Come into the light." She mused, curiosity consuming her. So the person crept forward until the figure of a certain Duke caught her in a state of joy.

"Richard!" Anne exclaimed, running to him and attacking the man via hug. She knocked the both of them over in her happiness, the two youths laughed in their stupor. Awkwardly Richard helped the girl up, only to have Anne remember George's threat.

"He's going to put me in a nunnery!" Richard was taken aback but not that surprised.

"Oh George.Of course he would. You have to run it's your only option." He warned her, but then a brilliant idea popped into his mind.

"Anne?" Anne lifted her head.

"Will you marry me?"

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