Cinnamon Challenge

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Daisy: this is gonna be awesome!!

Peach: but instead of getting 3 cameras we'll get one!

Daisy: you've got all the money in the Mushroom Kingdom, yet you can't afford 3 cameras?

Peach: well sorry!

Lavender: here are all your materials, ready, set, GO!!

Peach: *eats at a medium pace* delicious!

Daisy: *eats quickly* dis iz delicus!

Rosalina: *eats slowly* sweet!

*60 seconds is up!*

Lavender: the winner is...........DAISY!!!!

Daisy: woohoo!!!! and I think I'm gonna be sick...*runs to trashcan*

Peach: thanks for the dare, @Light_The_Night!!!

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